31. Not Without A Fight.

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***Parth's POV.***

"Akash, what are you doing here?" Saira asks with a blank look.

"I came here for my cousin's wedding." He says.

"In the theater?" I ask.

"No." He says, "I am here with them to see the play they are rehearsing for sangeet. My cousin's fiance is a theater actress."

"Oh!" I say.

"Okay. Bye then." Saira says and turns to me, "We need to go on-"

"So soon. It has been such a long time. Let's catch up." He says and his smile says all that I need to know.

Someone looks super happy meeting my wife and wants a moment and like hell, I will give him one.

"Sorry, but we are busy." I say.

"Who are you?" He asks with a frown.

"This." I say, showing Saira's middle finger and realize what I did then show him her ring finger, "Oh sorry. This."

"Fiance?" He says.

"No. This." I say now, showing her mangal sutra while Saira is busy trying to hide her smile, "Introduce me, wife."

"Sure, husband. Akash, meet my husband, Parth." She finally says, and he nods.

"Nice to meet you." He says with a not so convinced look.

"Same here... maybe." I say.

There is a great and awkward silence for a few seconds and I see my wife and her ex-crush looking at each other with serious emotion. I feel odd to be here, but I am not leaving her. But then maybe Saira wants to talk to him but is not because of me. It should be her decision whether or not she wants to talk to someone or not, not mine.

"I need to use the bathroom. Will be back in a minute." I say and go inside the theater again.

"I will be waiting." Saira says and I sigh in relief.

After searching for a while, I finally found the actual bathroom instead of a fake cardboard wall one. As I stand near the basin and wash my hands, one thought keeps bugging me over and over.

Does Saira still have feelings for Akash?

Because if she does, then what do I do? What if she just gives up on us and thinks he is the better option? I mean, the first date so far is disastrous, and he looks handsome. Also, not to forget he is everything she ever wanted and I am totally not what she asked for. What if she breaks up with me?

"And I left her alone with him. No. I have to take her away. I can't find another girl like Saira, as God made only one." I say and rush to go out only to bump my head into a closed door, "Ouch!"

I rub my head and shake it, then turn the knob only to find it jammed.

"No, no, no, no. Please, no." I yell and try it again and again, but damn if it budges.

I kick it, run towards it. I also plead for it to open, but obviously it is made of wood. I yell out, but I think no one is around. Then finally I did one thing that I should have done long ago.

"You are a colossal idiot, Parth. Call Saira." I say and the phone does that, "Even the phone is better than me."

The ring goes on and she picks it up at the third ring, "Where are you, Parth? You better be having either constipation or diarrhea, otherwise I don't know why you are taking so long to come back. I am very displeased with you right now."

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