Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 4)

Start from the beginning

"There's no point thinking about that," Lillia declared bluntly.

Kalvara looked down disheartened, "You're right, sorry."

"No I didn't mean to hurt you that time," Lillia said apologetically. "I mean that it would have been impossible back then. Devils and the other races were basically at war. Even if you had helped Estile back then, been kinder, your own race would have hunted you down for it."

A smirk split Kalvara's lips, "To think there would come a day where you would comfort me."

"As long as you keep your hands off my girl then I'll comfort you all you want."

Her eyes widened as she pointed to them, "You two?"

"You bet," Lillia latched onto Kyle beside her. "I won."

Kalvara released a powerful laugh, "To think all those years and I would have had a better chance in my original form. Half the reason I changed my appearance was because I thought it suited your tastes dear Estile."

Having the two look at him so intently caused Kyle to redden and he quickly chose to change the topic, "Let's get back to the devils. What happened? Your story didn't include them but I saw plenty outside."

Kalvara frowned, "Like you did we, the Archdevils, made a mistake. When the world went to hell we voted and chose to step back. All the devil tribes across the world went into hibernation. In the end it killed most of us."

"The demons found you...," Lillia said softly.

"Yes. They broke through our barriers and attacked where we didn't think possible. I was fine as I never slept. By the time I realised what had happened, most the tribes were gone and all that remained were children who had managed to avoid the demons eyes."

"And the Archdevils?" Kyle asked.

"Even we cannot fight against a never ending enemy. That I know of, I am the last one left." Kalvara sighed, "But perhaps that was for the better. The devils here have been raised to know better of the world. To exist in peace." With a shake she continued, "But enough of the past. You're here for more important business."

"We are," Kyle firmed himself as the mood turned. The minutes passed by quickly as Kyle explained what had happened, giving a brief overview of the world on their side and the threat Philius had become.

In the end Kalvara was in deep thought, "The fog has indeed been turbulent lately. I have felt a strain of energy I haven't experienced in near four hundred years now."

"And if Philius is able to create a false god whether it's him or his lackeys were going to be in deep trouble," Lillia huffed but then straightened herself and looked at Kalvara suspiciously. "Though you weren't very surprised when we told you everything."

"Ah about that," Kalvara smiled. "It seems he didn't tell you but your friend Riften appeared here about half a year ago so most what you told me wasn't new."

"That sneaky bastard!" Kyle stood up. "Oh I knew he was hiding something."

"Yes, and he had a particular guest that was quite interesting. The devil child he travelled with has quite the potential and it's because of her that he managed to find me."

"When I get back I'm going to wring him a new one! How could he not tell me about you?"

"Maybe because you'd try to kill me?"

"Well... yeah but I didn't," he sat back down. "Whatever, I'll deal with him later. For now, can you do it? Could you drop us where Philius is?"

Kalvara stroked her chin, "Perhaps, but there are problems. To find him I would need to be able to track a significant pulse of magic. Which would only happen after he achieved his goal or near to it."

"That... if it comes to that it will have to do."

"Yes, but the other problem remains with me," Kalvara pointed to herself, to her current form. "As you can see I'm not at all like my previous magnificent self."

"I actually like you better as a women," Lillia chirped in. "I don't want to punch you in the face as much."

"Thank you," Kalvara took the odd compliment with a raised brow. "The reason I am like this is because of this world. Unlike your home, this place, this world, is almost entirely sustained by my magic. 99% of my strength goes into keeping this world afloat."

Kyle nodded in understanding, "So that's why everything was so orderly. If it's not efficient you wouldn't be able to keep it together."

"Correct, due to it I have to begrudgingly admit that my past chaotic ways were quite uncivilised, though they were fun." Kalvara's expression turned dear as she looked out the window behind them. "The more people there are, the more space we need, as much as I want to let them flourish, my strength does have its limits."

"So you want us to do something?" Kyle asked.

"More than something. I want to join this world with yours."

"Oh hell no," Lillia spat. "How do we know this isn't a trap?"

"I promise you that I have no ulterior motive other than the lives of my people." She looked at them seriously, "If I die, everyone here will be left to the fog. Though we have our own strength to fight off our incursions, most the people here are ordinary as they come. So please help us. If you do, I will assist you to my utmost."

Seeing Kalvara's sincerity sent a mixture of emotions into Kyle's brain. A large part wanted to vomit at her change in personality, but a larger part trusted her. Kalvara never lied. That was his stick no matter what happened. And personally as Estile, Kyle knew just how people could change. How could he not give Kalvara a chance?

"We'll help," Kyle said firmly. "I'm not sure how, but Arvel may know better."

"My utmost thanks Estile," Kalvara bowed her head.

Kyle stood over him, "But if you cross us. I will end you."

"And if for whatever reason I do, I'd want you to be the one to do it," she smiled in reply.

Lillia looked between them, uncomfortable with the strange intimacy they had. She cleared her throat, bringing their attention back, "So we'll help each other. For now however we should head back. Kyle how are we heading back?"

"Ah, well, when Arvel finds the letter I left him I'm sure he'll figure it out," he looked away sheepishly.

"That's it?" she looked at him aghast, "Leaving it to Arvel was your grand plan?"

"I did leave roundabout instructions too...."

"I can't believe I'm in love with you," she huffed. "But I am, so I'll leave it at that." She turned to face the devil sitting in front of them. "Hey Kalvara seeing as we don't know how long we'll be here, we're going to need a room. A private one. Also what's this places best restaurant? Someone owes me dinner and a date."

"I suppose I can't come with you?" Kalvara asked despite clearly knowing the answer.

To the surprise of both Kalvara and Kyle however Lillia frowned, "You can come for dinner but that's it!"

"Then allow me to be your escort for the evening," Kalvara stood up. "We do suffer a lack of meat around here but that's only made our cuisine much more creative."

"I look forward to it," with a smile Kyle and the two left the office.

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