PART 10: Confidence

Start from the beginning

"Do you think he likes you?" Bomm suddenly interjected.

Peat's fingers absently traced his own neck as a gesture of unease. "I'm not entirely sure...He's been asking me if I'm single a lot."

Bomm's laughter was light. "Don't worry, Peat. I really doubt he's into you in that way. You know, he's been texting me frequently too, always asking me to hang out."

Peat's curiosity was piqued. "Is that so?" He inquired, seeking confirmation from Bomm.

With a confident nod, Bomm glanced around at our surroundings before leaning in closer to us. He lowered his voice conspiratorially. "Back in our first week at the company, he actually confessed his feelings to me. Said he had a crush on me," Bomm revealed, causing both Peat and me to raise our eyebrows in surprise.

A chuckle escaped Bomm's lips as he continued. "Of course, I turned him down. Well, he's not the first person who's confessed their feelings to me, though," he said confidently.

"Bomm, you must be quite the heartbreaker," I said.

Bomm's grin widened. "I just believe in being honest about my feelings. It's better for both parties in the long run, right?"

"I have a secret I want to tell you both. But promise me this stays between us," Bomm's voice was filled with a mixture of anticipation and secrecy.

Peat's eyes sparkled with curiosity and I casually took a sip of my drink, preparing myself for whatever revelation was about to come.

Once again, Bomm's eyes darted around as if ensuring our surroundings were secure enough for the big revelation he was about to unveil. With a slight grin, he gently covered his lips with his palm, leaning in slightly, so that only we could hear his words. "Believe it or not, I think Mr. President actually likes me," he finally disclosed and his words caused me to choke on my drink.

What did he just say? Did I hear him correctly? Mr.President like him? My P'Yin likes him?! What nonsense is he talking about?!?!

"No way! Seriously?" Peat blurted out.

Bomm's expression turned a delightful shade of bashful pride as if he could not quite believe it himself. "Yeah, I mean, I would not have believed it either if it were not for the way he's been looking at me," he admitted.

"Do you remember our first day at the company and Mr. President suddenly came towards us in the lobby? Well, I noticed he kept looking at me," he said while chuckling. "I suppose it was love at first sight for him, directed right at me," he quipped confidently.

Oh, when did he acquire such an abundance of self-assuredness? P'Yin had been simply looking at my way that moment and now he was asserting that P'Yin was actually looking at him? Goodness gracious, it's incredibly exasperating!!!

"Oh really? Love at first sight?" I said, trying not to sound annoying. "You do have full of confidence," I retorted in a low voice.

Bomm let out a hearty laugh. "Well, I have always had a knack for capturing hearts effortlessly," he replied. "But..." He let out a sigh. "Should I accept him if he confesses his feelings? I don't really feel anything yet towards him," he said while pouting, making me roll my eyes.

"Eerrr...but we don't really know if Mr. President like you, Bomm. Maybe that's just your imagination," Peat said.

Okay, thanks, Peat for speaking on my behalf. P'Yin just love me and only me!!!

"Without a doubt, Peat, I'm absolutely certain that he has feelings for me," Bomm affirmed with a confident smile. "That's why I mentioned keeping it a secret. If word got out around the company that the president is interested in me, it could potentially complicate matters for me."

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