crossover mission part 2

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I'm not a good writer for fights. So I'm sorry if it is not that good.

Well, the first part kinda flopped but here is part 2.
Enjoy it!

Coulson walked in the aisles alone. Alone? No. Two small figures sat on his shoulder. Antman and the Wasp.
Just before Coulson set out with them on the search, both had pulled out their suits. Now they were sitting on his shoulder. Scott was just tracking down some ants to look for May. And Coulson? He just wanted May back.

"You sure you friends gonna come?"
May was still sitting in the dark room with Katy on her lap. "I hope so." She was really worried now. Where was she that nobody found her?
The door opened and light shone in. May narrowed her eyes. "Well look who we have here. The Cavalry."
May suddenly got up and stood in front of Katy. The light was switched on and May put her hand in front of her face. They were in a perfectly normal room. Probably a hotel room.
"Who are you?" "I'm an old friend May." Because the light was blinding, she couldn't see that much, and the person was wearing a mask. "Hidden behind a mask is cowardly. Show your face." "You wish is my command."
May continued to narrow her eyes and the person in front of her pulled off the mask and grinned. When she recognized him, she took a step closer to Katy and protectively held her arm out in front of her.
"Ward-" Ward grinned again. "Yeah, Ward. But how ironic. The Cavalry saving a child." "Where is Coulson?" "Ou don't worry." Ward took a few steps forward and lifted May's chin with his hand. "My men took care of him." May glared at him and pulled her chin out of his hand. "You lie. Like you always do." "If you say so."
Ward reached into his pocket and tossed a necklace with an M on it. May's eyes opened wide and she stared at her feet. Ward looked at her. "Is this yours?" She stared at him. "You gave that to Coulson. Years and Years ago. I bet you still have the other one." May bit her lower lip and tried to hold back a tear. "What did you do to him." "I don't think you need to worry about that. Give me the girl and we finished here." "Leave that girl out of your psycho, Nazi business and go to hell." Ward made a face as if she had hurt him. "This hurt." May clenched her fists. "I waited long enough to hurt you. And I'll take that chance." Katy instinctively took a few steps back.

May lunged at Ward and buried his fist in his face. He staggered back and wiped away the blood that was coming out of his nose. "Ouch." This time it was a foot that hit him. "I see you gonna enjoy that." "More then you think."
This time it was Ward who start the attack, May jumped to the side and elbowed him in the side. Ward's arm came out in front and caught her in the face. May bit him and Ward kicked out backwards. "What the hell was that May. Did you really bite me?"
Suddenly he was lying on the floor because May had pulled his arm under his legs. She twisted his arm behind his back. "You still like that?" "It's uncomfortable."
Suddenly, Ward arched beneath her and she was thrown off his back. She caught herself on her feet and stared at him. "You getting weak May and soft. Love makes you weak." "I don't know what you're talking about. I just know that I'm gonna end you today." "I don't think so. I mean it was nice but my boys wanna have fun too you know." Two men appeared behind Ward and she heard Katy screaming in a corner. May whirled around and saw two men tugging at Katy's arms. "Leave her alone!"
Everyone was so busy that nobody noticed how several ants crawled under the door.

Katy cried in the meantime and tried to run away. "Ward! Please, let her go! You already have Coulson. And you lucky I didn't kill you for that." "Maybe you should have. Cause now you're gonna die." The two men came closer to May, one pulled a gun. She looked at Katy, who looked at her scared and tried to bite one. He hit Katy in the side and she winced. "Hey!"
May kicked the pistol out of the hand of the man in front of her and jumped at his neck. He hit her but didn't got her and you could hear his neck snapping. May groaned as the second man grabbed her neck and squeezed. He lifted her slightly and pinned her against the wall. Another man handed him a new pistol and held it to May's chest. "I'm gonna enjoy that." "Stop." Ward stepped forward. "I'm gonna do that. She will be happy to reunite with Coulson." May closed her eyes and tried to gasp. "Ward- Daisy gonna haunt you down and break you every bone if you do that." "Ou she's the one I'm waiting for ."
May narrowed her eyes as he pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. She heard Ward swear and opened her eyes to see Ward shaking heaps of ants from his hand. And then it happened.
Antman appeared in the middle of the room and punched down one of the men."Hi, I'm Scott. And this is Hope." He pointed at Ward, who was suddenly thrown across the room by an invisible hand and Hope landed with a tumble on the floor. May took the chance to kick the man in front of her between the legs and to pick up the chain and she Scott and Hope disabled the men holding Katy and May took Katy's hand. The click of a pistol was heard as Ward pointed it at May and Katy. His head was bleeding and his nose was broken. "I don 't know who you weird friends are but they not gonna stop me to kill you." "Oh yeah but I do." Ward spun around. Coulson stood behind him and shot him with an ICER. He fell over and hit the ground.
"Phil!" May gasped happily and he smiled. "I hope I'm not late for the party." She ran towards him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her head. "Hey, everything okay?" He heard her sobbing in his shirt. "Melinda?" "He told me he killed you." "And you believed that?" May reached into her pocket and pulled out the necklace. Coulson grabbed it and held it in his hand. "He just took it from me to threat you." "But what if-"
Coulson cut her off by lifting her chin and looking at her. "Hey. I'm not dead." She looked into his blue eyes and came a little closer to press her lips to his. Coulson's heart leaped and he grew warm as he kissed May back wrapping his arms around her again, to keep her close. Hope, who was tying a rope around Ward's hands, saw it and nudged Scott who was standing next to her. He just grinned to himself and Hope rolled her eyes.
Who was still left now was Daisy, who just came in through the door and abruptly stopped. "What the h-"
Coulson pulled away from May, who turned her face away from a grin.
"We were worried about you cause it took so long and now I come here and see you two kiss. I mean nice. Finally. But what the hell." Hope walked over to her. "It's everything under control, agent?" "Daisy Johnson and I'm a really big fan, both of you. You are cool" Scott smiled. "I like her. But you came at the most inopportune moment."
The three looked over at May and Coulson, who were hugging each other tightly. On May's neck you could see the necklace with the letter C on it. Coulson held his hand tightly around the other one while stroking May's hair.



Well that was the crossover mission with scott and hope my favourite MCU couple. And with my favourite Marvel couple forever.

Also, yes Ward UGH

I hope you liked it cause it was really nice to write it.

See y'all

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