Fury is a Philinda shipper

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A/N : Had the idea to make this story out of nowhere.

(Takes place in Season 1)


"Director Fury. Director Fury!"
Koenig came running through the door. He literally flew through the door. Fury jumped up angrily. "Are you crazy!? I don't hide on this Island just for you to crush through my door." "Sorry, sorry." "Yeah yeah. What is it?" Koenig grinned. "There is something going on between Agent Coulson and Agent May." Fury stared at Koenig.
"You think I don't know that?! Why did I put them in the same team at the first place?? Yes because I wanted May to look out for him but because I know they're close and trust eachother and since Agent May was in this difficult time and I knew Coulson was the only one to convince her to come back-" Fury exhaled deeply and sank into the chair.
"Well..the "looking out" part didn't end so well.." "I know. Was never my intention to cut the rope between them. I wanted them to be togheter." "Isn't that against the rules?" "Shut up." "Yes sir." "I want an update." "Well we used the lie detector. May told me that her only reason she is in S.H.I.E.L.D right now is Coulson."
"Of course he is." "They fought. Again. Then Coulson left to save someone named Audrey."
"Oh please no." "And May left the base. Alone." "These two are unbelievable!" Fury sagged deeply and sighed. "This is all my fault. But I still trust Coulson he isn't dumb. He's going to realize that he overreacted and then he'll find May and maybe just maybe, move his damn butt to tell her that he loves her." "This is never gonna happen." "Koenig. I have an ICER don't make me use it." "I'm just saying!" "I don't wanna hear it! Now get out and keep me on update. I have work to do and I'm not gonna rot on this Island." He ran to a door and opened it. "I make sure they get married before I die!" He walked through the door and slammed it behind him.

Fury turned on the light and pulled out his phone.

Agent Hill
New message

[Just met May. She didn't sound very enthusiastic and it doesn't sound very good.]

Fury snorted and started typing.

[I'll take care of it.]

He tapped a number into his phone and pushef the dial button. It beeped three times before a male voice answered. "Director Fury?" "Coulson where the hell are you." "Back on a Quinjet after we saved a friend." Fury made a face. "But Fury we have to talk." "Not now. Wait until I'm back and say hello to Agent May. I'm very grateful that she took care of you and looked out that you're okay. It was very important to her." "Sir-!"
Fury hung up and grinned.

Bonus: (Change Scene 1×19)

Fitz was sitting across from Coulson in Quinjet they were on their way back and he had just got back from a phone call. "Sir?" Coulson stared into space. "Is everything okay?" He nodded slightly. "She said I never lied to her." Hey scoffed. "Today I did. But she is safe. We did that at least." "Why didn't you tell her the truth?" "For some reason I didn't want to." He smiled slightly. "When we get back, I need to make things right with May. And some other things..probably. How can I expect from someone to forgive me if I'm not willing to do the same. It was wrong."
Jemma came over to the two men. Coulson released his fuse. "I'm gonna check in with Trip." Jemma looked after Coulson and then at Fitz. "Philinda back in the game?" "Philinda back in the game." "I need to tell Skye."


Well Fury is obviously not the only one!

A/N :
Philinda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
See y'all

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