with this look in your eyes

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Okay before you start this chapter. I need to tell you that i'm working on something big for this book. I don't think that it will be the next chapter but it will be one of the next chapters.I'm really excited for it!

Now enjoy this chapter. <3


No season spoilers

The team had been gathered in Coulson's office for a while. Coulson had gone on a solo mission and had not been heard from for 3 hours after his comlink went dead.
"Coulson. Do you copy!?" Everything was silent. All you could hear was the breathing of everyone in the room. Just one breath was faster then the others.

Melinda May

"Phil!" Her hand slammed down on a table and everyone around jumped. Daisy made another attempt to get Coulson on the comlink. "Coulson do you copy?" "Uh. Yeah, copy. Lost my komlink in the dark without noticing it. Coming Home" The team exhaled and Daisy smirked. "Ou you better do. Or a certain agent gonna bang up the walls." "Tell Agent May to stand down." May rolled her eyes and left the room. Daisy looked after her. "Ou..okay..you should really come back AC." "Don't worry. Almost there."

The team ran to the hangar without May. The Quinjet landed and Coulson came out. He sighed. Daisy approached him.
"Hey, you okay?" "Yes, just happy to be home again. And I brought the important thing that FitzSimmons wanted." He looked at the two scientists. "You'll have to get that off the jet though. It was hard enough finding that thing." "No problem, sir." Coulson placed his bag on a trolley and looked around. "You know where May is?" "Nope, you need my help to find her." "Don't worry, I think I know where she is." "If you say so."
Coulson walked away. "Please God bring them together." Coulson turned back around. "What?" "What? I didn't say anything." "I thought I heard your voice." "You're thinking wrong. Go find your woman." She grinned. Coulson rolled his eyes but smiled slightly. "As you can see I'm already on my way." "Byeeee." "Shut it Daisy." Coulson continued on his way and Daisy watched him grinning.

"May?" Coulson had entered the training room and was looking around. no May. He ran to her bunker and knocked. Nobody here either. Once again he went into the hangar towards the Zephyr. He entered the big ship and looked around. "Melinda?" A quiet "Hm." came from the corner of the cockpit. He walked over to her. "I thought you didn't like to be here." "I don't. I always preferred the bus." "Me too."
Both were silent for a moment and Coulson stood behind the seat she was sitting on. Please remind me to go never again on a mission were you aren't the pilot. The pilot was terrible." He laughed. But his laughter died down when he saw May just staring straight ahead. "Are you okay?" She didn't answer him. "Melinda?" "Of course I'm fine after you didn't answer for 4 hours and we all feared the worst. We were worried, the team was worried, I was worried! How can you be so clumsy and lose your comlink without realizing it." Coulson started laughing. May got up and faced him with crossed arms. "Are you laughing?" "It's only funny when I hear it. Because it's kinda dumb to lose your comlink." "Yes it is! I thought you were dead! I thought you left me again without saying goodbye! I thought I never gonna see you again! I thought-"
May fell silent as she looked into his blue eyes. He looked at her so warmly, so tender and loving. Her eyes darted to his lips and back to his eyes. "Stop looking at me like that." A smile formed on his face. May fell silent and she caught her gaze falling on his lips again. So here they were, after all these years of hoping she'd ever get to this point. Still, she didn't dare to take the next step. But she didn't have to. Coulson's hands gently cupped her face. First he ran his fingers over it, which warmed May's heart. His lips merged with hers as he kissed her and May's heart caught fire. Her legs felt like butter and she was afraid to collaps, but Coulson had his one arm wrapped around her and holding her tight.

Damn it.


This was kinda short.

I've noticed that every time Philinda kisses in my stories, they grab each other's faces. Maybe because I reaaaaaally like it.

See y'all :3

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