crossover mission

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Coulson and May gonna meet up with a MCU Couple for a target mission.
If you wanna guess who, write it down in the comments.
P.S. They are not from a show and I love them too.


"Coulson, are you ready?"
May had been waiting in front of Coulson's bunker for 10 minutes now. "Coulson?" She pushed against the door and it immediately swung inward. "Phil?" She made her way to his bathroom and knocked.
"Phil. Are you in there?" "Yes! Uhm..but don't come in! I'm having a bit trouble." "Trouble tying your tie." "No...maybe." May smirked.
The door flew open and Coulson emerged in a black suit with a half-tied tie. "Please help me Melinda!" "You're the director of S.H.I.E.L.D and you can't tie your tie. "I can!'s just complicated."
May grabbed the tie and pulled him a little closer, Coulson's blood rushing to his head and his cheek starting to glow. Deftly and easily he saw her fingers tie his tie. She patted him open the chest."There you go."
Coulson just stared at her until May snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Hey! This dress is getting uncomfortable." "But you look so beautiful." He said taking another step closer to her. May starred in his eyes and she just moved a little bit forward but then took another step back. "We should go, ore we gonna be late, for the mission." "Right. The mission." He cleared his throat and took his jacket. Then he followed her out of his bunk.

Mack stopped at a large house where some people and cars were already standing. "Whoa that's big." "If it weren't so big, we wouldn't need any help Phil."
Coulson got out and opened the car door for May and took her hand. Both immediately slipped into their role as a married couple. May hooked her arm on Coulson while he adjusted his tie. Mack looked at the two.
"If anything happens, we can be reached via comlink." "Thanks Mack."
The duo entered the entrance to the great festival hall and looked around. "Where are they?" "Maybe they need some time. Wanna drink, darling?" "Sure."
They stood at one of the bar tables and Coulson went to get something to drink. May's eyes fell on the entrance. A couple had just entered and looked around. Both had darker hair. The man was wearing a suit while his partner was wearing a nice blouse.

Coulson came back put the drinks down and wrapped his arm around May. She looked at him.
The man recognized them and the couple walked over to them. "Melinda May? Phil Coulson?"
"That's right. So you're Scott I guess." "Yes, and that is Hope." The woman smiled at both of them. "Nice to meet you." May took a sip of her drink. "You want something to drink while we're waiting?" "No, but thank you for the offer."
May and Coulson drank their glass and then they split up. May with Hope and Coulson went with Scott. Before May left, Coulson looked at her again. "Be careful." "You know I'm always are." Then she went to the other end of the room with Hope.
Scott and Coulson took positions outside. "So. You alive huh?" "I was expecting that question. You heard of it?" "I mean I heard that you died as a hero facing Loki." "And I did. And to everyone except my team, you and your girlfriend and some others I'm still dead." "Didn't go like you except it?" "Not really."
There was silence for a while before Scott turned back to Coulson. "What about your wife? How did she react?" "I don't have a wife?" "Then who...?" Coulson understood and sighed slightly. "Ou. Yeah, May is not my Wife." "Girl friend?" "Nope." "Whaaaat? But you acting like a couple?" "That's the point. Acting." Coulson turned to Scott. "Unfortunately."

Scott was about to open his mouth again when they both noticed four  people with a girl. "There they are!" "May,Hope? Four men heading your way. They have the''s a girl." "So we're here saving a kid?" Hope asked confused. "Looks like that. Phil stay outside, we handle that." "Mel-" "Stay outside!" Coulson went silently and the comlink too. Scott whistled through his teeth. "Damn."

"May how you wanna do that?" "We need to get that girl out of the fight zone. I don't want her to get hurt." "Me neither. I could never look at cassie again if a child gets hurt in the fight." "Cassie?" "Ou she's Scotts daughter. She's so sweet."
May said nothing and looked at the entrance. "There!" Two men just walked in with a girl. "Where are the other two? Coulson?" "May! What's wrong?" "Why did you say there are four people and I just see two." "When they headed in, it were four people. Idk what happend-" There was a bang and the comlink cracked. "Coulson!?" Hope looked at her. "What happened?!" "I think they got attacked!" "We have to help them." "We have to safe that kid! But I can't leave Coulson alone." "Okay. We safe the kid and then we help the men." "No. You go help them I get the girl." "You sure?" "Yes! Now go."
Hope nodded and the two women parted. May went to safe the girl while Hope searched for Coulson and Scott. She ran out. "Scott!?" When she got to the point where the two were just about to take position, she saw them both lying on the ground.
Scott sat up straight and held his forehead. Hope ran over to him and knelt in front of him. "Hey you okay? What happened?" "I think we got knocked out from the other two men." Now Coulson sat up too, groaning. "Where's May?" "She went to safe the kid." "Alone?!" He got quickly up. "We need to find her. I promised her not to let her down." "She wanted it." "She always want it but now she is facing probably four men alone."

Coulson was wrong.

As soon as May had the girl she tried to run with her. The two men came after her and May hid the girl in a corridor. She successfully faced them. When she went back to the girl she was gone and not a minute later she felt something heavy on her head and passed out.
Now she just woke up in a dark room. May looked around for a light source but couldn't find one. Groaning, she sat up. She really hoped nothing bad happened to Coulson and that Hope had found them.
"Hello?" A young voice could be heard. She sounded scared. "Hey, everything okay. I'll get you out of here." "Who are you?" "I'm May. Melinda May I'm here to help you." There was a brief silence. "I'm afraid." "I'm here don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine. Just, don't stop talking." May felt around in the dark. "You know what they want from me?" "No. I was hoping you could say me that." "No, I'm sorry, for getting you in trouble." Slowly May came closer to her because her voice got louder. "Hey everything okay. Nothing happened. I'm here okay." "Okay." She felt a hand next to her. "That's you?" "Yes."
The girl grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Stay with me." May reached out for the girl's body and sat her on her lap. She hugged her tight and the girl sobbed into her shoulder. "What's your name?" "Katy." "Okay Katy. Do you wanna tell me what happened?" May felt the girl's hands on her neck as she hugged her tighter. "These men broke into our house. Killed my parents and took me with them. They told me to shut my mouth or something really bad would happen." She cried again and May stroked her head. "I get us out of here and if I can't my friends will do it. I promise."


I'm sorry that this was not much Philinda as I hoped but I'm writing rn at the second part and I think with luck I gonna post it today or tomorrow.

Also you probably know why May wanted to safe Katy even she couldn't leave Coulson alone but I didn't want to make that story sad.

Hope you liked it :)

See y'all

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