I gotcha, love

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A/N - Hiiiii sorry that I'm so dead but I have like no motivation at the moment. But I still wanna write. Remember the big story I wanted to write? I'm writing it but it's a lot more difficult then I thought it would be.

(Takes place in season 4)

I think you know what it is about when you read it :))

~ storybymay


May felt the numbness flow through her body when Aida injected the drug into her arm again that day.
"Ou I'm so gonna kill you for that." Aida wrapped her hand around May's face and forced her to look at her.
"I don't know how you want to kill me when you're sleeping. But I'm interested."
May's eyes rolled back and her knees sagged. Aida picked her up and placed her on a table. She untied the old cables and threw them in a box.
"Look at what you're doing with my experiment. Being stubborn won't do any good. It'll only hurt more." Again she filled a syringe with the anesthetic and put it in May's arm. At that moment Radcliff outside cried out in shock and the door was heard slamming against the wall. Radcliff ran past the study and into the hallway. "My beautiful door. Why do I have a bell?" As soon as he said that, he flew against the wall.
Around the corner stood Daisy holding her arm in his direction. "Where is May?!" Agent Coulson's voice echoed through the house. May moved slightly on the table. "Phil..." Radcliff snorted angrily outside. "How am I supposed to know where your agents are?!" "Because you send a fake version of May! So tell me where the hell is my Melinda May." "I don't know what you're talking about!"
Aida left May on the table and walked out of the room. "Hello S.H.I.E.L.D what a pleasure to see you here." Coulson stood with a gun infront of Radcliff, his fimger on the trigger. Daisy raised her arms to Aida. "Look who is here. The original Robot itself. I bet May is in that room where you coming from." "And if she is?" Coulson motioned to two Agents who grabbed Radcliff and then looked at Aida. "Then I'm going to get her out of there." "I'm sorry Agent Coulson but I can't let you do that." You gonna have no other choice." The walls shook as Daisy let out another quake. This time on Aida, who only flew through the room for a short time but stood up again shortly afterwards. Daisy stood in front of her. "Let's play. Robot."
She looked at Coulson and he nodded and started running. "No!" Aida ran towards him but Daisy jumped in between. "Not so fast." Coulson kept running, nothing was going to stop him getting May back now.
He literally slid into the science room. "May!" He saw her lying on a table. The syringe was still in her arm. Coulson carefully removed it and stroked her forehead. Then he checked her pulse on her wrist. When he felt the slight throbbing under his fingers, he exhaled deeply.
"Melinda can you hear me?" May could hear him but couldn't move. Coulson slipped his arms under her legs. "I get you out of here." He put May's arm around his neck and carefully lifted her up. May groaned in pain when she surprisingly felt that arm, in which the syringe had been stuck the whole time. "Hey shhh. I gotcha, love." She buried her face in his neck and his breath on her neck soothed her.
Coulson carried her out of the room. "May is drugged. Where is Aida?" "I'm sorry Coulson she just disappeared." "It's okay Daisy. You did your best. But we need to get May to Simmons." "Simmons is at the base. You need help?" "No I got it. Make sure the Quinjet is ready to fly we need to handle quick." "On it!" Daisy ran ahead and Coulson followed with May.
The Quinjet's engines started after Couson stepped in it and Daisy gave the command. He sat on the ground with May of the jet. Her body slowly released from its numbness and she pressed against Coulson's body. Everything ached and the only thing that calmed her right now was his company, hearing his voice and his lips gently kissing her temple. As she listened to Coulson's heartbeat, tiredness overcame her, and despite her aching body, she eventually managed to get a much-needed sleep. Even Coulson was tired and laid his head on hers. He will never allow something like this to happen to her again. Luckily he noticed it quickly.
Who knows what else could have happened .....


Well, we do.

A/N - oouf it's 2am already?!?

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