you can't know

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I red some of my old storys. I have the feeling I was better writing storys some years ago. I'll try to get better again. But tell me if I'm wrong.


May contain spoilers about season 1


The door opened and a dark figure stood in the doorway. Rain dripped down clothes. Fury walked towards her. "Agent May, it's good your here." May raised her hand. She took off her soaked jacket and draped it over a chair. Her face was a facade, but you could still see the weariness and sadness behind her eyes. Not a single word passed her lips. "Okay. So.. we found a way and I mean it." May looked at him with a blank but cold look. "Right."
Fury showed her the way to a door. Big letters on it. 'VIEWING' They entered a room. A milky pane in front of them, so nothing could be seen. Only lights behind and noisy machines. "We officially found a way." Fury pressed a button and the disc cleared. "To safe Agent Coulson." May took two steps forward. She looked at several machines and doctors gathered around a table.
A man came in behind May and Fury. "Agent May this is Doctor Streiten. He's here to run the program." May meanwhile was staring into space. "What you gonna do to him." She turned to the two men. "We're going to fix Mr. Coulson's tissues and leave him no memories of his death. We're going to put some memories in him that aren't real. Mr. Coulson will think he's the time he wasn't alive on an island called Tahiti. Had been on vacation until he's better. The only memories he will have is the fight in New York." May noticed how her hands began to tremble awkwardly.
"That's insane." "It's the best to do to get him back without a death trauma." "Phil Coulson is an important man in your life Director Fury. How you gonna feel lying to him all the time?" "It's the program." "The T.A.H.I.T.I program is one of the worst ideas you had. Like sending him to New York. He's probably gonna question himself all the time. He will be changed. And what if he's gonna find out?" "That's why we will give him a team. And since I know how important you to him in his life he's gonna ask you if you'll join. And you will say yes. So you can let me know how he's doing." "I took me out of field work." "Ou come on Agent May. Do we really need to talk about you and Coulson?" May lifted her head higher. "He got stabbed by an alien staf. How you gonna repair an tissue like that?" The Doctor looked at Fury and Fury looked at May seriously. May's gaze hardened. "Fury-" "It's alien." "What? Wait. You gonna repair his tissue with alien?!" "No, we'll add it to his blood." "What?!"
May had gotten loud and Fury threw his hands in the air to keep her quiet. "You can't do this! I know the T.A.H.I.T.I program was made for an Avenger!" "Exactly." "Coulson warns against using it because the person may have premonitions and eventually go completely nuts. And you still want to do it." "I thought you were the one who's gonna be happy when he's back." "I am! But not like this! I can't live with the guilt that I'm lying to my best friend all his life."
"Okay. When Coulson comes back from T.A.H.I.T.I he will be welcomed with open arms at S.H.I.E.L.D. He was on a recreational trip to Tahiti. We'll put him on a Team including yourself with people you'll choose. When Coulson comes over to ask if you're on the team you say you want to be. I want weekly updates. If he finds out what's not going to happen, you tell me immediately via emergency. It will work!" May noticed that Fury was slowly losing patience and that he was tense. She stand silent. "You understand me Agent May?" She nodded. "Of course..." "Good." Fury picked up a microphone connected to speakers in the large room. "Get T.A.H.I.T.I ready!"

May left the viewing room . And looked around the aisle. Two men rolled over a gurney on which Coulson's body lay. May swallowed. The men left him in front of a door and left the corridor. May cautiously approached the gurney. The closer she got, the more tears welled up in her eyes. She grabbed his hand. It was cold, which made May twitched briefly. "I do this for you Phil. For no one else, just for you. Of course I want you back. But..." She sniffed softly. "Not like this. I shouldn't do this. It's wrong. But I can't say no." A tear dripped down her cheek. "No one should go through it. It's the worst way to safe a life. And I feel guilty like hell. It's just..." May's voice broke. "You can't know." She let go of his hand and grabbed her jacket and pulled it on. She had to go home, she needed a break. Very quickly she put her lips to his cold forehead and then hurriedly ran out of the building.


Kinda feels like I made Fury the bad guy there. Sorry man
I needed some sad stuff

See y'all :3

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