matched by a child

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I don't have much to say this time.
Just read it and you will see what happens!
Enjoy this little story :D

(sets after season 7. May contain spoilers if you haven't finished watching)



(In the Coulson Acadamy)

May was just sorting her folders back into the closet when her cell phone rang. She smiled as she looked at the screen. She answered. "Phil?" There was a loud sound behind the line. "Hey, Melinda! Are you done for today?" "Yes, but why?" "I'm going to see Fitzsimmons and the little one again today, do you want to come with me this time?" "I think a break will do me good." "I was hoping you would say that, otherwise I would have come here for nothing." "Wait, Phil. Where are you?" "In front of the Academy." "Excuse me? And why didn't you think of telling me beforehand?" "Surprise." May smiled. "I will soon be there." "Great! See you." Then he hung up. May quickly packed up her things and then made her way outside.
The first person she noticed was a man in sunglasses leaning against a red car with his arms crossed. May smiled. Coulson approached her. "That was fast." "Good too see you too, Phil." "Yeah you right, sorry. You're okay Melinda?" "I've never been better." He smiled at her. "I'm glad to hear that." They both got in the car and drove off.

(Time Skip)

May got something out of the car and Coulson rang the bell. Jemma opened the door. "Hey, Coulson." "Hey, Jemma. I brought someone, I hope that's okay." May came over from the car. "May! It's so good to see you!" She hugged May. "Hey, Jemma. How are you?" "We're doing great. We're enjoying life." May smiled slightly. "At least someone who has adjusted to the new life." "We still miss the team. Fitz! Coulson and May are here!" A voice came from the basement. "Let them in and give me a second." Something fell loudly and Fitz cursed. "Everything fine!" Jemma shook her head. "Come in. Do you want something to drink?" "Sure, thanks Jemma." Coulson took May's jacket and hung it up with his. May looked around. "You live here so beautifully." "Thank you." Jemma smiled. Footsteps sounded behind them and Fitz came up the stairs. "It's not perfect yet, but we're working on it." "Hey Fitz, good to see you." "Good to see you too May. And welcome back Coulson." He laughed lightly. "I think I'm getting here too often." "That's not true. You're always welcome here." May and Coulson followed them into the living room. "Alya! Look who's here." She laughed when she saw Coulson and walked over to him. "Coul!" "Hey Alya, your good?" "I'm tired..cause I had a nightmare." Coulson gasped. "Oh no. But it's better now." She nodded. "Look Alya. I brought a friend. This is Melinda May." Alya shyly grabbed Coulson's hand and looked at May. "Hello.." May smiled. "Hey Alya." Alya looks sideways at Coulson. "Is that the woman you keep talking about." May raised her eyebrow and Coulson gulped. Fitz and Jemma tried not to laugh. "Yes, she is. But I told you not to tell anyone." Alya playfully covered her mouth. "Ooopsie..." Coulson sighed. Jemma looked at May. "May? What would you like to drink?" "A water would be fine Jemma. Thank you." She sat down at the table while Coulson dealt with Alya. He sat down on the carpet. Alya ran to her room and returned a short time later with a Lego Star Wars ship. "Look what I got from dad!"

(That's the ship)

She gave it to Coulson

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She gave it to Coulson. "No way. Is that Luke's Ship?" She sat down between his legs. "Yes!" "Ah yeah, Fitz. I'm sorry I making her obsessed with Star Wars." "That's totally fine,Coulson. I mean she love to hear you talking about it." Alya picked something up and held it in Coulson's face. "I got the little Droid, Coul! He's so cute." She kissed the little R2-D2 with her little lips. Coulson looked at May, who was also looking at him, creating a long eye contact until May looked away. "Alya, I'm going to have a drink." May got up. "Sit down. I'll bring it to you." "Ou...Thank you, Melinda." She came to him and handed him a glass of water. "You're doing well Phil." Coulson blinked, slightly confused. Alya got up while Coulson was drinking and held Princess Leia out to May. May knelt in front of her and took the figure. "What is it?" She smiled. "Coul said Leia reminds him of you. She's powerful and brave and beautiful." Coulson choked on his water and coughed. Jemma had to laugh. "Alya!" Alya looked at her and then there was an awkward silence until May broke it. "Is he saying that?" Alya nodded. "Hmh.." May stood up again.

The afternoon passed relatively calmly and relaxed. Jemma invited Coulson and May to dinner. While she was cooking, Coulson took Alya to the store next door and got her a small new Lego set. With Fitz and Jemma's approval, of course. May helped Jemma cook. However, she wasn't entirely focused. When Coulson and Alya came back, she sat down with them and watched them build. May liked the way Coulson treated Alya, it made her smile several times. Then there was food. After eating, they played a game together, which Alya was allowed to choose, until she fell asleep on Coulson's lap and Jemma put her to bed. Fitz meanwhile chatted with Coulson about his new project. After a while, May followed Jemma to the children's room, where she leaned against the door frame. Alya saw her. "Mum..will May come back sometime?" Jemma stroked her head. "If she wants that, definitely." May smiled and Jemma turned to her. "If I can, I'll definitely come back." Alya clapped her hands. "Now it's time to sleep, Alya." "Good Night, Mum. See you, May." "See you, Alya." With that they both left the room. "You're okay May?" "I don't know. I'm confused." "You should talk to him. Trust me." They both went back to the men. "Ah, there you are, Melinda. You're okay?" She nodded. Why was he saying her first name all the time especially in the presence of others. "Are you okay if I go?" "We'll both go. It'll be late when we get home anyway." "Fitz and I are going to sleep right now. It was so nice that you two were here. Alya really enjoyed it." May nodded. "I was happy to see you again." "I'd love to come back." "Maybe we'll manage to find the rest of the team at some point." Coulson got his and May's jacket and they both got dressed. "That would be really nice." Jemma hugged May and they said goodbye. Coulson went to the car. "I'll drive you home okay?" "Thank you Phil."

The ride went slowly and May and Coulson didn't exchange a single word. Coulson was still embarrassed and May was just confused. Could she have feelings for him?
The car stopped in front of her house and May hesitantly got out. She didn't want him to leave just yet. He walked her to the door. "Thank you for coming." He looked at her and May smiled. "Always my pleasure." Damn- she really love him. Coulson took a deep breath.
"Look. Everything Alya said is true. I talk about you a lot and I think about you a lot too. And you still mean everything to me. And you're beautiful and amazing. That hasn't changed. But I understand you when you say that you don't feel." May looked at him calmly. "I love you May. And I know I'm a Chromicon but--" "I don't care." "Wha-" May grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss, on the lips. Coulson put his right hand on her face and held her tight. Damn, she missed that. May pressed herself more against him until both of them let go to take a breath. "Mel-" "Shhh- don't." She looked into his eyes. "I love you too, Phil. I always have." He smiled and kissed her again. "You stay with me?" "I'll always stay with you, Melinda."
You know? I said short, that was deffentily not short HAHAHA
I really loved to write this one. And Alya is so cute!
It pleases me to think that May and Coulson are family to her. Because Fitz and Jemma are family to Coulson and May too.
Well, it is late. I go sleep ^^
Sorry for spelling mistakes. I'll take care of it tomorrow

See ya :3

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