Undercover Dance

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Well who would have guessed that writing a dance story is so difficult, geez.

But I did it after all!
Lets hope I didn't mess up >~<

(At the Academy years ago)

The alarm clock snapped Melinda May out of her dreams at 5am and she groaned tiredly.
She comfortably got out of bed and changed.
Then she stood in the middle of the room and started her Tai Chi. When Maria Hill, who slept with her in a room, started to snore half an hour later, May annoyed took a pillow and threw it on her.
Startled, Maria jumped up and May had to laugh. "Melindaaa-"
Sleepy and annoyed, Maria pulled the covers over her head and lay back down.
"We have to go immediately Maria." "Yeah, at such an unnecessary hour that we're learning to dance all day today. Will we ever need that in S.H.I.E.L.D?" May shrugged her shoulders and Maria slowly got out of bed. "I don't even have anyone to ask to practice with me."
She shuffled into the bathroom. "Ask Barton." "Clint Barton? Never. He probably steps on my foot every step of the way. Besides, Natasha asked him yesterday. Why can't I just do it with a girl."
May no longer understood the last words because Maria had put the toothbrush in her mouth.

May pushed her a bit to the side and also started to brush her teeth.
When Maria was done she left the bathroom and sat on the bed to get dressed. "You're probably asking Phil. Am I right?"
May paused. "I already asked him." May also finished brushing her teeth and left the bathroom.
"And what did he say? No, sorry Melinda, I'd like to dance with Maria?" "Ha. In your dreams."
Maria grinned to herself. "Melinda May, the most popular girl in love with the nerdiest boy in school." "Shut up. I don't love him. We're friends." "Why are you lying to yourself." "I do not do."
May opened the door and left the room. Maria looked after her indignantly. "You can't just leave me sitting here." Still hopping to put her shoe on, she jumped after May. She just grinned at her.
Downstairs from the room where they met were Clint and Natasha and a few other students.
Natasha ran towards Maria. "Did you find anyone?" Maria rolled her eyes. "No." Natasha grabbed her hand and pulled her with her. Clint followed them and May just stood and waited.

Shortly before the beginning of the lesson, she became nervous. Where was he?
Even when teacher came, Coulson wasn't there.
May sighed. He was late again. Everyone had lined up in pairs, even Maria had found someone. However, she didn't look thrilled about it, but her partner did.
The teacher approached May. "Ms. May don't you have anyone? Garrett would be-" "Yes, I do. Actually." "May I ask who?"
At that moment, the door burst open and a skinny brown-blonde boy walked in followed by..."Director Fury?!"
A murmur went through the class and everyone stared at Nick Fury.
Coulson ran over to her. She smiled. "I'm sorry for being late." "I see you've been busy welcoming Director Fury. Must be a very important dance when he's here." "Please don't be mad." May smiled gently at him. "I'm not mad. The main thing is that you're here."
He took her hand and pulled her to the teacher before she started to explain the first dance steps.
"I see you all have found a partner. Very nice. Then we start with the pose. The girls put their left hand on the boys' left shoulder. And the boys put their right hand on the girls' hip."
Coulson looked hesitantly at May. She raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you don't want to touch me." Coulson shook his head slowly and put his hand on her hip. May closed her eyes for a moment. "Mel?" "Hm?" "Are you okay?" She opened her eyes. "Yes."
Coulson took her right hand in his left and awaited further briefings.
The teacher walked around and looked at each pair. She stopped at Coulson and May. "You're doing very well." "Thanks very much." "Now to the next step."
The next move consisted of Coulson stepping forward with his left foot and May stepping back with her right foot. Shortly thereafter, both took a step to the right and placed the other foot next to the other. "I see Phil Coulson is a good dancer." "Anything for you."
They had to repeat the steps a few times to get to the next one.
The next consisted of lunges and spinning.
All the steps that came together didn't make any sense to May.
"What a weird dance that is. It doesn't make any sense." "Well, I heard when Agents dance it's not for fun." "Since I'm not a good dancer it's not fun at all." "Ou Melinda. Your dancing is good." May shrugged as they continued to dance.
"So then tell me. What's the dancing for then?" "I think if we were on an undercover mission and where there's a party going on, dancing is good for getting a better view of the surroundings. Like security cameras or guards." "Sound right to me. But I'll probably will never need it. There is still a long way to go and so much missions coming up." "If I go ever on a dance mission I hope it is with you. Cause I know you won't step on my feets." He laughed. "As you wish."
May wrapped her leg around his and Coulson grabbed her hand, which she could lean down with her torso a bit and swing from side to side.
When she brought her head back up and their faces almost touched, he had to smile. "Ore just show how beautiful my dance partner is." She shook her head smiling. "You are such a dork."
"I'm just telling the truth."
She pulled herself closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "I know you do."
He wrapped his arms around her tightly and placed his head on her shoulder as well. "I don't think this is part of the dance."
May put her arms around his neck. "I don't care. Just go with it."
Both closed theire eyes. "I like to do that."
And so a dance lesson turned into a tightly embraced, romantic dance that both enjoyed.


I think thats it.
But please tell me I didn't messed up. Cause it feels like this end a bit to fast.

BTW thanks for over hundred votes!!! ♡

See ya'll :3

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