Taco Night

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"You can lay back down on my bed if you took a shower recently and I mean very recently" I offered Nyla as my mama opened the door.

I hope that didn't sound rude but I don't even sleep in my own bed unless I'm freshly showered. Even if I go outside for one hour I shower again. I'll make a small exception for her if she's showered in the past 2 hours.

"I'm up Nathan" she laughed, kicking her shoes off and leaving them at the door. "Thanks for the offer"

I looked around the house and took a deep breath I haven't been here in over 2 weeks. It felt so nice to be back. I surprisingly miss it here. Don't get me wrong, I love Nyla's house but it's nothing like being in your own space again.

"Since it's just tacos you can call Austin and tell him they can head over now. It will only take maybe 20 minutes if I'm making the meat and she's cutting up the toppings" my mama yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay, I'm going to shower first" I said as I started to walk down the hall.

"No, call him first. You'll be in there for an hour or something" she yelled.

She's 100% right.

I pulled out my phone as I walked to the bathroom by my room. Natalie normally uses the bathroom that's connected to our mamas room because she used all of her fancy soaps.

"Wassup?" He answered as Avery cried basically right into the phone.

I moved the phone from my ear and put the phone on speaker as I turned on the shower.

"We're eating tacos so y'all can come whenever" I said, already getting excited to not only feel clean but to eat something.

"Okay, Casey said she'll bring the drinks" he said, as the baby continued to cry.

"I don't know, the last time a girl made us drinks I ended up in jail" I halfway joked.

"Damn you're right" he laughed. "Maybe we should show up to her next party"

"Oh heck no! You'll have to go to jail that time" I laughed.

"As long as y'all can get me out in a day I'm down"

"The answer is no, man. That was horrible" I said testing the water. It felt so perfect! The water at the jail was either unnecessary cold or ungodly hot.

"I bet, we'll talk about it later?" He asked.

"Yeah, as for now take care of my dang niece. Why is she crying so much?" I asked.

"Because somebody can't find her pacifier after she lost it" he said stretching the word 'somebody'

"Fuck you, eat my ass!" Casey yelled out.

"Nah especially if we're eating tacos tonight"

"Would you just help me look" I heard her sigh.

"Fine, I'll see you soon Nate"

"Love y'all" I laughed hanging up the phone. If they don't find one I should still have 2 in my car. I left two in there just in case I'm watching her and I need them.

I took a deep breath as I took off my clothes. It feel nice to get naked without feeling targeted or in danger of getting slapped with a bar of soap.

I looked under the sink and there were my 4 towels that I needed along with my wonderful Dove body washes!! I pulled all of them out so I could get to my shampoo and conditioner because I need every inch of my body clean.

I got out my toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, and tongue scraper. I even pulled out the Q-Tips of need be.

I stepped inside and moaned at how nice the water felt. My mama was right. I might just spend an hour or two in here getting spotless.

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