Secret Agent

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School was finally over and I couldn't run out of there sooner. I've already found my favorite teacher, Ms. Lisa. She's the math teacher from hell. She already gave us work to do that no one knew how to do. So now that's our homework.

She just made my hit list!

"Are you sure you don't want a ride?" I asked Austin. We were standing out our lockers putting our new books away. Those books will die in here cause I will never take them home. Just one is about 20lbs. I've never ever took a school book home, and I'm not starting now.

"Not by you. You drive like you don't wanna live." He laughed, shutting his locker. Everyone claims that I drive too fast or reckless and to that I say 'did you or did you not make it to where you needed to be?'

Sure if the speed limit is 40 I go 60, who really dives 40?

"Your loss" I shrugged. I grabbed my bag and followed him out the door.

I did take a look at all of the girls as we were passing. If he wants us to buckle down and actually lose our virginities, I have to get looking.

But what am I looking for exactly?

It's not like I really have a type, I've found all different shapes, sizes, colors, culture, hair type, and even eye color attractive. I could be interested in a skinny freckled face girl with red hair one moment then a chubby dimpled face girl with black hair the next.

How do I find a girl who is willing to put up with my bs and have sex with me?

I can't just walk up to them like 'Hi, sex? Are you interested in doing it?' I do that and I end up in jail.

Then I can't walk up to them like 'Hi I'm Nathan, what's your name?' Cause then I end up getting told to 'get the freak out their face' or getting called a creep.

This is harder than people lead it to be. At least for me. Why couldn't I be born Damon Salvatore? Girls love him.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Austin said, giving me a bro hung then we went our separate ways.

I walked over to my white 2019 Nissan Sentra and frowned at how dirty it looked up close. That's exactly why I didn't want a white car, but this was the cheapest and I'm in no position to pass up the cheaper option.

I work part time at my mama's job. She's a nurse so I just follow her around and get paid for it.

Looks like I will be washing it for the 2nd time this week.

I got in my car and started it up. My Bluetooth automatically connected.
The drive home is only about 8 minutes. Well the gps would say 12, but it only takes me 8. I couldn't wait to get home, I'm starving. School breakfast is pretty good, but the lunch is dog food.

As soon as I pulled up to the house there was a girl in our bushes. Did I accidentally order her off Amazon?

I got out of the car and she still didn't notice. She was so focused on our bushes for some reason. Maybe she's a gardener, plant lover, undercover agent looking to kill me, the possibilities are endless.

I walked all the way up to her without her noticing, maybe I'm the undercover agent.

"Can I help you find something?" I asked, she was really searching.

She jumped and let out a little scream as she turned over to me.

Wow, she's pretty.

Her hair was big and super curly. Each curl is different from the other, but each perfectly framed her heart shaped face. Her big eyes were two different colors, one emerald green and one is icy gray. They each had long eyelashes attached to them. She had a beauty mark on her right cheek, right next to her button nose. Her skin was a really light brown, so light that it could've been taken for a tan. Her lips were pretty full, her bottom bigger than her top. Her bottom lip was also a lighter brown than her top lip. Her mouth is slightly open and I could see the cutest and smallest gap in between her two front teeth. You could barely tell it was there, but I noticed.

"Sorry, I was just looking for-"

Before she could finish what she was saying an black and white yorkie looking dog came running up to me. The dog's hair was super curly, most likely a poodle mix. My face instantly lit up. I love dogs, but my mama hates them. We were never able to get one.

I picked up the small pup and took all the kisses she had to offer.

The girl looked over at us and gave an exhausted smile.

"Her, I was looking for this trouble maker." She said, walking over to me. I looked over her outfit. She had on some jeans with a college hoodie, UMSL. That's the same school my sister goes to.

She might have the unfortunate pleasure of mowing my sister. Poor thing.

"Oh yeah? I thought you were robbing us" I joked. Lame joke, she's going to call me names and walk away. I completely messed that up.

"Oh I was, I was going specifically for your room" she laughed.

Did she laugh?

Wait freak that, did she make a joke back?

Could I add to her joke? Would that mess it up? Well I can't just look at her! Well I could, all day if she lets me. She's too pretty!

"Well good luck, all that's in there is my cocaine and drug dealer money" why was that the first thing to come out of my mouth?! Cocaine?? I couldn't have just said weed? She's going to think I take hard drugs. I don't even take soft drugs!

"Perfect, I've been meaning to stack up on my supplies. I don't suppose you have heroin too?" She asked, giving me an amazing smile. Good lord she has a dimple! Just one dimple on her right side.

"I have whatever you need," I said. Okay time to turn on the charm. "Did you know you could be saving up to 60% if you switch to State Farm?" No, why?Why? Why did I need to say that?! This is the longest conversation I've ever had with a girl who's not related to me and I'm sucking at it! I don't even know if that information is right!

She laughed and shook her head at me. "Thanks for the information, can I get my dog back now?" She asked, reaching out. I looked down at her hands, she only has 4 fingers on her right hand. It seems like her right side has everything going on. She has her thumb, pinky, and ring finger. Using the process of elimination I think she's missing her index.

I didn't make it obvious that I was looking, that would be weird and rude. I handed her over the small dog and she started licking on her. The dog! The dog started licking on her...not her licking the dog.

"This is Bonnie by the way" she said, looking up at me with those amazing eyes. Could I propose now? Would that be too much?

The door opened making all three of us jump slightly.

My sister looked at both of us strangely before talking.

"Nyla(Ni-Lh) come in, we've been waiting for you" she said, looking past me.

"Hello to you too" I said, rolling my eyes as the beauty, I now know as Nyla, walked inside the house.

"Sorry, I took Bonnie to use the bathroom and she just ran into your bushes" she explained. She sat next to Jessica and placed her legs on Brittany. There's no way she's my sister's friend. She doesn't seem like them.

No long fake lashes, no long nails, her face is not full or makeup I mean come on. Not saying that there's anything wrong with girls who dress like that. I personally don't care, do what makes you happy, but the fact that she doesn't means she doesn't fit with them.

"So Nyla, how do you like the school?" Brittany asked, taking her shoes off of her.

"I like it so far, I don't wanna get my hopes up though" she shrugged petting Bonnie.

"How did you guys meet again?" My sister asked, turning on the tv.

"Meet? Nat, I told you this is my cousin" Jessica laughed, throwing a pillow at her. "You never listen you brain dead hoe"

"Bite me!" My sister fought back, sticking out her tongue. She looked like she had more to say but she looked over to me. "Do you need something?" She asked, tilting her head.

Yes I need Nyla over there to make her way down the aisle so I can marry her.

Instead of answering her I just flicked her off. I got most of the information I needed. Not her friend, new to the school and possibly new in town, Jessica's cousin. My undercover agent skills came in handy today.

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