Class Subjects

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The bell finally rang and everyone was running into class. I was already here and been here a while ago. I take my education really serious because I was told I'll never make it by the best mom in the world. As much as I dislike her she is my reason to work and thrive so hard. Just to prove her wrong. I can't wait to throw my diploma in her face!

Everyone soon took their seats, everyone including little Ms. Molester. She made eye contact with me instantly and rolled her eyes. I didn't mind though. It only made me laugh looking at how red the left side of her face is.

Natalie really slapped the fuck out of her that day. I can't believe it was 2 days ago and it's still that red. She needs to stop rolling her eyes before Natalie hit her again....or maybe me.

Every now and then I think back to that day. That oh so surprising day. Me and Nathan had a moment that I never thought we would have.

After Natalie went off about me liking him I backed off a tad bit. I still talked to him and joked with him every time I would see him, but I didn't flirt. Even though it wasn't fair of her to tell me I couldn't talk to him because I should
see him as a brother, I wanted to keep the peace.

Now I don't know how that would be possible!

It was something about how he said he cared about me, I don't think anyone has ever said that to me like that or at all. The look in his eyes when he said it drove me crazy.

It was so intense I couldn't help but touch on him. His body felt so good under my hands and his dick is definitely bigger than when I walked in on him that one day. He's a grower for sure!

The sounds on his moans come to mind and I tried to hide the smile that rushed to my lips. I didn't want anyone to see me smiling like a idiot in class, so I covered my face.

He sounded so sexy as he exploded. Granted the situation wasn't the best, it was still nice to see and hear. The way he gripped onto the seats and actually moaned! I don't think boys understand how sexy their moans are.

I just wanted to hop on top of him and make him cum more. I never wanted that sound to stop. I would've did it, but I didn't want to do toooo much in front of his house. Even though I wanted to do many dirty things to him.

I just hope I didn't overwhelm him. I haven't seen him since that day, but I plan on going over there after school. Jennett said that Natalie invited me to their sleep over.

I thought it was a little strange, but why not. It's not like I have plans tonight, plus I get to see Nathan!

"Hey" a male voice said poking me. It's only one person it could be... Kyle.

Kyle was my boyfriend in high school, but it didn't work out. We just wanted two different things out of life. We slept around a few times freshman year, but I quickly ended it once I seen that that's all it was.

We still communicate a little, but nothing much.

I looked over at him and mouth the word 'what'. He had on his typical polo shirt with beige pants, hair slicked back without a strand out of place. Your average rich boy.

"A little birdie told me that you're talking to someone" he said, slicking his hair back even more.

"A little birdie huh?" I said looking over to Charlotte. What did she hope to gain from telling him? He's not my boyfriend, I don't owe him anything.

She smiled at me annoyingly and I gave her a fake smile back.

"Kinda, why?" I asked, taking down notes.

"I always thought we would find our way back, ya know. You said we had a chance of getting back together in the future" he said, coping my notes.

"Yeah, but that was a year ago. I'm sure you've slept with countless amounts of girls so why do you care?" I asked. I know for a fact he's been sleeping with everything moving, and he had every right cause we're not together.

"That's different Nyla and you know it. I'm a guy"

"And I'm a girl who doesn't owe you anything. Yes I'm kinda talking to someone, no it doesn't have nothing to do with you, no I don't want you back. Any more questions?" I asked, tapping my foot. How dare he!

I hate boys that think like that. Anything a guy can do I girl can do too. If I wanted to sleep with every dick walking I could!

"Damn calm down Nyla. I just wanna talk to him, ya know make sure he's treating you right" he said, cracking his knuckles. Why does everyone what to fight the worlds sweetest guy?

"Touch him and I'll kill you" I said, pointing my pen at him.

"He got you dick whipped all ready? I thought you was better than that. What's this body number 15? Who would've thought you would be turning into a whore" he said, shaking his head.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head. I'm done talking to him. I know it's no getting threw with him. He is the same guy who thinks he can sleep with every living girl, but the second a girl has more than 1 body she's a hoe. Witch , for the record I only have 4 bodies. This weirdo, 2 exes, and some guy from summer camp. Hey, I was young and shit happens!

The whore part is what is truly bothering me. My mama called me one when I went to pick up my package. Am I giving off a whore vibe or something? I'm not out here showing every inch of skin on my body, I'm not exactly covering completely up either. I dress according to the wether. I'm also not sleeping around or talking to guys left and right. Have I been on a few dates? Sure, but those wasn't successful and I never called them back.

I only talk to Bonnie on a daily bases, I don't even like people that much! So what is it with the whore word?

"I heard about this guy, ya know. Mr. Can't keep his food down" he laughed.

So she's just telling everyone what he did without telling them that she tried to take advantage of him?

"Maybe he wouldn't have done that if the birdie took a shower" I said, turning it back to her.

"Is there something you two wanna share with the class?" My teacher called out, looking right at me.

Charlotte looked back and laughed at me. This bitch!

"Yes actually. I feel like we should talk about personal hygiene or personal space. What about consent" I said, smartly glaring at her. It's not Farfetched we talk about these things in this class. I do wanna be a social worker and stuff like this is just a small piece of  the job.

She gasped and turned towards to teacher.

"That is really not necessary and might I add, very inappropriate!" She said.

"Oh yeah, sounds like you know little to nothing about those subjects" I smiled.

"Sounds like you know little to nothing about minding your business"

"How's your face feeling?" I asked, giving her my fakest smile.

"Ladies! That's enough, can I continue with my lesson?" He asked, his face now red.

"Of course" I said winking at her. Check mate!

"Now, Nyla you did bring up a good point. Personal hygiene is something people don't get into enough" he said, Turning to his bored.

"You don't say! Hey Charlotte pay attention." I said, smiling at her. I love how upset she is. Seeing her face as red as the left side of her face is refreshing. Maybe she'll leave him the hell alone now.

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