I Gotta Tell Sober Me

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"Drive faster!" Austin yelled out, as Nyla drove to his house. I was in the back seat laid out, enjoying how my body felt while the car was moving.

I felt like jello and I loved it. Each turn she took I exploded in laughter, that was so fun especially the left turns.

"I'm going 80 in a 45, this is as fast as I'm going" she said. I could feel the car moving faster or was that just in my head? Kinda like the ant I had a conversation with as we were pulling off. In my head the ant asked for directions and I tried to give them to her but Nyla pulled me to her car. Now that poor ant will never get home.

They have been talking back and forth for a few minutes about how fast she needs to go. He told her what his father said and she called him and his father a psycho.

I finally sat up from my comfortable position, I'm tired of their arguing about this situation. I had enough and now they gotta here me. I started having a conversation with them...then started laughing once I realized it was all in my head and I didn't say not one word out loud.

I pulled out my phone after I calmed down and saw that we had about 3 minutes before Austin was late. Trust me his father will be on the couch waiting for him.

"What street do I turn down?" She asked.

"At the stop sign, it's the 4th house," he said. He unblocked his seat belt and placed his hands on the door handle. He was ready to tuck and roll if he had to in order to get there on time.

"You might wanna get another bottle of water to help sober you up" she said, driving down his street.

She pulled into his driveway and before she could even slow down enough to put the car in park he was halfway to the door.

"Drive away" I said. His father would just try to come and talk to me about the party to make sure our stories match. I'm in no position to be talking to him right now. I got out of the car and ran around to the passenger side, slamming the door.

"You don't wanna make sure he gets inside okay first?" She asked.


I reached for the gear and put it in reverse. We need to go now. No good would come from him walking to this car. I don't know where my car is, I'm drunk as a skunk, we didn't stay with each other the whole day, and Austin might have a bumpy dick.

"No touchy" She said, slapping my hand. She pulled out of the driveway as soon as she saw him walk inside. I'll be praying for you Austin!

"Now how do I get to your house from here?" She asked. My house? Where my parents live? The people that would take everything I think I own from me for being this messed up? I think the heck not!

"I can't go home right now, not like this. I had more to drink than him, more to drink than I ever had. They're going to see right through me and kill me!" I said. I felt my heart rate rise. They'll take my PS5 away!

"How old are you?" She asked, laughing a little. Why is this funny to her? I'm dying inside. Deep down I know I only feel like this because I'm drunk, but right now this feels real.

"17" I answered, putting my seat belt on.

"Really? I thought you were younger. Nat always calls you her baby brother, I was thinking a big ass 14 year old" she chuckled.

"That's because she's an idiot," I said. I felt my stomach growling a little as we passed a McDonald's. I just realized that I haven't eaten anything since 12pm.

"Oh stop, she loves you! She's also so smart"

I looked around and saw more fast food places. She's heading towards my house but taking the back way. I told her not to go there!

How to LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora