Intro To My Crazy Life

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I looked down the hallway to make sure no one was walking around. I bit my lip looking up and down the hall. Everyone's door was shut so I took that as a green light. I shut my door and pulled my pants down to my ankle, waddling all the way to my bed.

Before I made it to my bed I tripped over my underwear as I was trying to get undressed before making it to my bed.

Dang it!

Taking off my clothes takes up valuable time that I could be using for something else.

Taking them off while I walked to my bed just seemed like the best option. Maybe next time I'll just wear my SpongeBob shorts.

I pulled myself up, at least I didn't land on Nate, or my lightsaber, 3rd leg, hot dog- that's enough of that.

I landed in my bed and got under the covers, creating a tent for Nate standing at attention. I pulled out my phone and quickly tried to unlock it but it just ended up falling on the ground.

God dang it!

I reached for my phone, refusing to get out of bed even though it would be easier. I finally grabbed it and and opened my Safari.
What website am I feeling tonight? Pornhub, Xxnx, or Xvideos. I'm feeling a little fancy, Xxnx it is. Once the website opened I could feel the precum covering my tip, excited looking at all of these different options.

I found one that caught my eye, the girl on it looked just like Linda from English class. I knew it wasn't her because this lady didn't have her birthmark on her cheek, but she was close enough.

I clicked onto the video and placed my hand around Nate. I gripped him firmly and moaned at how good just this felt.

I don't do this often, heck the house is never calm enough for me to do this often. Let my big sister, Natalie have anything to do with it. This place would be chaotic 24/7.

She's in college, but the school isn't far from our house at all so she still lives here to save money. Meaning all of her friends and parties are held here.

Our parents don't care, whatever keeps her in the house. I for one think that she needs to move out. If I had another job I would put down on her an apartment.

She's an asshole!

I turned the volume down as the lady started to get louder, music to my ears. I started to move my hand alone Nate, stroking to the speed that the guy was going in the video.

This video was in POV and I have an amazing imagination.
Just as things were getting too hot for the peppers, my door swung open.

I threw my phone on reflex and flipped over so I was on my stomach. Nate was squished between me and my bed, but I ignored it. It doesn't hurt because the door opening scared my horniness away.

My phone landed face down, thank fuck-I mean freak, on the bottom of my bed. The sound wasn't there, I didn't even realize that I locked it.

"Oh hun, were you masturbating? I'm sorry" my mother, Nikita, said, covering her brown eyes.

"No, no I wasn't. I was just watching YouTube and you scared me" I lied.

She stood there with her head full of brown curls all over her head. She normally likes to keep her hair out of her light brown face, she must be in the middle of doing something with it.

"It's okay, hun it's normal. You are at that age after all, I just hope your porn taste is better than your fathers. He likes the animated stuff."

"Mama, I didn't need to know that!" I cringed.

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