I'll Get You Out Soon

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Nathan mother was driving at impressive speed. I can see where Nathan got his driving from. She didn't stop not once, blowing her horn at anyone in her way.

Why would they arrest Natalie too? She only went there to get her brother, who is wrongly arrested as well! It's all my fault!

If I didn't get so pissed off Nathan would've never ended up in this situation, and neither would his sister. I'm just fucking this family up!

Maybe Natalie was right, I should've just left her brother alone. He was perfectly fine before I came in his life with all my problem. I took all my problems and insecurities and threw them on him.

Nathan would've been in his room right now playing a game, but no he's locked away and I know they don't have the body wash he likes!

They will probably treat him like some criminal and be so mean to him. Poor Nathan is not meant to be in jail. God, what have I done?

I felt my chest starting to cave in, this is no time to fall into a panic attack! I need to not pass out right now.

She pulled into the police station with lightning speed, turning her car off and getting out all in one swift motion.

I followed behind her, keeping up with her speed. We ran right up to the front desk and the person there stood up quickly matching our urgency.

"My son and daughter, Nathan and Natalie, are being arrested for no good reason and I need you to get them out" she said, straight to the point. She was still dressed in her pajamas, bonnet half way off and everything.

The lady eyed her carefully before typing on her computer. She started to ask her questions about them to better look them up in their system. As they talked I looked around, trying to calm my nerves a little.

I started to do the breathing techniques that she taught me to stay conscious through this whole thing. Nothing here was doing anything to help my nerves. All I could think about is Nathan and how scared he has to be.

I bit my lip as hard as I could, if I could feel then I'm not going to pass out, right? It's the only positive thought I have so far so I gotta hold on to it.

I noticed eyes on me as I glanced around. They belonged to a tall pale skinned man with blond hair. He was dressed in a police uniform so I knew he worked here. His blue eyes where locked on me and I couldn't feel more uncomfortable! What the fuck is he looking at?!

"You have to be fucking kidding me!" Nathan's mother yelled, grabbing my attention.

"Ma'am my hands are tied" the lady said, shrugging her shoulders. She clearly didn't care at all.

"You can't press some buttons and get them out? They're good kids, they don't deserve this."

"That's what they all say, ma'am. All I can tell you is what is on my screen" she said, gesturing to her computer.

"What seems to be the problem?" A male voice called out from behind me.

I looked up and instantly stepped away from him. It's the same weirdo who was watching me since we came in here. What the fuck does he want?

She rolled her eyes and sighed before answering him. "Nothing, she's just upset"

"You damn right! You'er telling me in order to get my kids, who did nothing wrong, out of jail I have to pay 30,000?!"

"30,000!" I repeated.

They're really treating them like criminals. The way they are acting we should've robbed a bank!

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