Motherly Touch

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"Where are they taking him?" I asked the stupid ass police man who was holding me back. I didn't take my eyes off that car till it was completely out of view. I just know he's freaking out.

My heart nearly stopped when he had a gun on him while he was on the ground. That psycho had a gun to his head like he was some type of threat to them! He did everything they asked of him, that was not necessary!

"South County jail sweet heart" he said, as they started to walk away from me.

Oh hell no, we are not done here! What does he mean jail? Nathan and jail does not go together.

"Jail? He didn't do anything wrong" I stressed. If anything it should be me and, or, Charlotte.

Nathan is the last person that should go to jail. If anything all he did was hold me back so I wouldn't go to jail. I couldn't imagine Nathan in jail! He's too damn sweet and innocent to be in a place like that. They don't even have lotion there, he can't survive that.

They ignored me and got into their cars. There's no way that they can just take him like that and not tell me why. They laughed at me and everything like I shouldn't be worried.

"Hey, I know you hear me!" I yelled, knocking on their window.

"Look here sweet heart, touch my window again and you will be going with him. Your little friend knows what he did wrong. Maybe next time he won't hit on women. Now backup before I run over your foot" he said, rolling back up his window just as fast as he let it down.

Charlotte and her group of dumb asses were nowhere to be seen. I can't believe she got away from me without a scratch.

And hitting a woman? Nathan would never harm anyone. Where would they get an idea like that, besides from Charlotte? God next time I see her won't nothing be able to stop me. She really needs to let her birthday go. It was literally a year ago!

Before I could say anything else they started to pull off without warning, leaving just me in this parking lot with so many people looking at me for entertainment.

All of these people were burning holes into my head with judgmental eyes. I just know they have nothing going on in their life and this is the perfect dose of drama for them.

I started looking around as my mind slipped back into my state of panic. I realized that I need to get to Nathan as soon as possible.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out his car keys. Thankfully I drove us to this place because he clearly needed a nap after the movie. He actually wanting to go to Texas Roadhouse and that's exactly where we should've went.

I ran over to his car and started it up before I even shut the door. I need Nathan to be okay. I need him to be in my arms safely. This is all my fault! Once again I got him in some complete bs!

My vision was nowhere near clear as I drove. I needed Nathan. This is my first time being without him in a while and I can't tell if I'm breathing correctly. At this point I'm manually breathing and sucking at it. I just suck at everything!

A thousand thoughts hit me at once. All of the thoughts that I have been pushing to the side thanks to him. All of the bad thoughts that try to creep up on me at night are here and they consumed me.

I needed to get to him, I needed to be okay right now so I could make sure he was okay.

I can't see a thing and I had to make it all the way down town!

I have to make sure he's okay, I have to either get him help or be that help.

Right now how I'm feeling, it might be safer and quicker to get him help.

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