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My eyes slowly opened from feeling something moving in my bed. The last time I felt something moving around me it was a dog on my leg, so for the small change of that being the case I didn't want to just jump up freaking out.

Well it could be a killer trying to take me out in my sleep. Or a rabies infested animal getting ready to kill me. What if it is a dog and it's a spy here to kill me?

I calmed down once I smelt a familiar sent. Vanilla and cookies, definitely not a wild animal.

I looked over to the side of my bed and saw mostly curly hair. A small smile found my face as I touched a loc of her wild hair. She was snuggled up against my pillow with one of her legs enter twine with my leg. 

I turned over a little so I was facing her body. She looked so peaceful in my bed.

I probably sound like a broken record but last night didn't feel real. We spent the whole night talking and laughing with each other. I got to know a little bit more about her. For example her middle name is Rose, she hates fish, and she loves the color white. She also is scared of cats and heights.

We did a a little bit of kissing too, nothing like what happened when she was on top of me, but kissing none the less.

I don't even remember when we fell asleep. The last thing I remember is her telling me how she fell off a roof as a child. She was fine of course, she watched Tinker Bell and was convinced that if she jumped a fairy would cover her in pixie dust.

It felt so easy to talk to her. I could tell she was listening and she couldn't wait to add to the conversations. We joked so much, it didn't feel strange at all.

I don't know how we ended up sleeping together in my bed, once again Austin would think I'm on crack.

"Let me fucking find out!" Someone yelled, from down the hall. They yelled so loud that Nyla woke right up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking just as lost as me. We made eye contact for a short time before the door slammed open.

Yep, it's a hole in my wall now!

Soon my sister stormed inside with Jessica and Brittany holding her back. It took two of them to hold her back and she was still moving at a good speed.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it. I told you this would happen" Natalie yelled, looking at Jessica. Jessica actually looked worried, her face was pale like she saw a ghost.

My sister turned to Nyla, who only had on a bra and some shorts. Her shirt was thrown over my gaming chair. Wow this looks bad. "Didn't I tell you not to mess with my brother?"


"Calm down we didn't have sex." Nyla said, sitting all the way up. She didn't look too worried about the hulk in front of her, but you could still see the discomfort on her face. She was nibbling on her top lip.

"Oh so you just so happen to be half naked in my brother bed. You sick fuck! I told you he's off limits." She snapped.

I don't like how she's talking to her. I'm not sure why it's making me so upset but it is. I don't understand how she thinks it's okay to put limits on who I can talk to. From what I could tell Nyla isn't even her friend, she's just Jessica's cousin.

"Yes actually. I just SO HAPPEN to be in his bed, and I told you that that's a bunch of bs." Nyla said back. The way Brittany and Jessica looked at Nyla with shocked faces, I don't think they expected her to talk back.

"You just gave it up that easy too? You don't know anything about him"

No, she needs to stop talking to her like that. She didn't give up anything, we didn't have sex. She moved on my erection and made me cum so much that I think it's empty, but we didn't have sex.

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