36. The Night That Keeps On Giving

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"Your boyfriend tells me you two don't have a hunter group to belong to. I feel like I should introduce you to my grandson. Young people like yourself, you'd fit in fine. It'd be safer too. He says hunters need to stick together now more than ever. Things are getting out of hand in the city." The old man says before walking off to retrieve a notepad and pen off his side table next to his couch.

"Here's his information. You give him a call," He says as he writes. "Especially now that your friend over there has been introduced to these things. I think having more support would be good for you lot."

"Thank you-"

"John. John Freys."

"Thank you, John," Avery says taking the paper as he handed it to her. "We should get going, thanks again for everything."

"No problem. Don't worry about that car, I'd have my grandson get his buddy to tow it for yah. Just give him a call."

The four of them exit the house, Naomi noticing the look Kai had on his face as he watched Sean and Avery.


"Naomi, stop. It hurts my throat listening to you try to speak," Avery says to her softly.
Naomi lets out a sigh, throwing herself onto her couch.

Having driven back to her place in tense silence, she, Avery, and Sean were trying to figure out how to handle the situation.  It would have made sense to explain right away but Naomi's throat prevented her from being able to do the talking.
Avery could have taken over, which would have been fine, except Kai wouldn't look at her or Sean. Locking himself in his designated room he had at Naomi's place, none of them heard from him since they arrived. Hardly sparring a glance at his sister as well.

"Like brother like sister, huh," Avery joked at the moment which earned her a slap on the shoulder from Naomi.

"He's going to need some time to process before he lets any of us speak to him. You know that," Avery says to her gently. 

"I don't think he'll be letting you or me near him, babe," Sean comments. "He thinks I'm a monster. Just like the thing that attacked us."

"We need to talk about that too! What the hell is going on with the Lycans in the city all of a sudden? The teens from the apartment, this," Avery says to them.

"Something is definitely going on. And it's not natural, I could tell you that. The scent! Coming from the thing! The eyes and build - There's no natural explanation for that kind of thing.  Whoever that was though, they're far gone." Sean replies.

"Hmm?" Naomi sounds to portray her question since she was unable to speak.

"Remember, the full moon is the only time Lycans can transform fully without problem," Avery begins. "Changing on the wrong moon, though possible, has its repercussions. Mentally they'd start to forget themselves and become more animalistic. Do that enough times, there comes a point where they won't be able to return to their human form. In that state, it's as if they're Lycan and Lycan alone."

"When we turn, we're still a bit of ourselves. Like if I were to fully transform, I won't hurt you or Av. I know and recognize you guys. I can have logical thoughts - I won't head into the city, attack a random stranger, or things like that. It's all about control," Sean explains further. "Some people have more control than others. There are people out there who lose themselves to the Lycan when they turn while others hardly have a slip-up," He continues.
"The state of the one that attacked us - I'd say it's pretty close to someone who's lost to the Lycan, but there's something else to it."

"Like what? What more is there? Isn't being in that 'forever Lycan' state the worst there is?" Avery asks running a hand through her hair.

"That's the thing, it's like that, but times one hundred."

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