Chapter 33

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"Sorry to interrupt but we really need to name our children you got any name in mind?" I asked Cade but the woman just shrugged.

"I am pretty sure you have come up with names already so lets got with the one that you chose." I looked at my girlfriend with tears welling up in my eyes, she is everything to me and more . Some of you might ask why I just embraced her without asking questions but the thing is that she was never really gone.

The day she was supposedly buried, I knew that it wasn't my girlfriend laying there but I didn't know where my girlfriend was and I just knew deep in my heart that Cade wouldn't leave me for someone else but I also knew that Cade was a smart person and she would return to me once she's done with whatever she had to take care of and as her girlfriend I knew all I had to do was wait for her and surely she'd come back to me.

       The first few months after finding out about my pregnancy and waiting for Cade I was angry with her because she was out there somewhere and the fact I didn't know where killed me but of course I didn't tell anyone.

If there is anything I learned from Cade, its definitely to trust no one but yourself in the mafia world.

Luckily for me, after six months that is when I was seven months pregnant Cade appeared at my college in a full disguise but she made it pretty obvious that I was the one she came for throughout her class which at first I thought she didn't know what she was saying but after gawking at her boobs and ass I actually took time to listen to what she was saying and I am not bluffing when I say that I thought Cade actually studied law in college.

After her class she made me stay behind, when all the students  were out she locked the door and blocked off the cameras in the room. Slowly walking to me my girlfriend had tears in her eyes as she looked at my stomach, she knelt in front of me then she slowly placed her hand on my stomach and immediately the twins felt their father they kicked and kept on kicking for 20 whole minutes while Cade on the other hand already let the sea of tears pour hen she felt the first kick.

Sniffing, Cade pulled herself together to have an actual conversation with me "I woke up last month and when Gio told me what happened I was so furious that he kept me being alive from you but when he explained everything I felt so proud to have a friend like Gio that chose to put me first in all his decisions and I just knew I couldn't stay away from you for long but I had to wear a full disguise here since Tristan must have absolutely no idea about my coming here because he somehow became a snitch and we can't risk any mistakes to the plan.
But hey no one keeps me away from my girlfriend. That shit just disrespectful.

I understand if you hate me and I am sorry for what I put you through but I brought some chocolates for yo-" I felt so touched by her actions that I didn't let her finish what she was saying and interrupted midsentence with my lips. We made out and then afterwards she gave me new phone with a new sim that had only her number there that anyone who say it would think its a burner especially Tris "You can contact me through that and then you can call me anytime you want but just be careful and make sure no one hears you. I can't risk anyone else finding out I am alive.

Afterwards she kissed me again and then let me go.

From that day we talked all the time and met a lot while being discrete of  course and when we'd meet in hotels Cade made sure to attend to my every need and the first I wanted to have sex with her while I was pregnant the woman literally freaked out.

"I do not want to kill our children while pleasuring the love of my life. Mazy come on you've seen how big and long my dick is, I do not want to deform our kids because I couldn't keep it in my pants."
Sighing I tried to hold back my laughter but I was failing miserably.
"Cade the doctor said it's okay to have sex while pregnant so don't worry."

Long story short after that Cade made sure to make an appointment with Addison Dawson her personal doctor and she came wearing a disguise but she asked all the questions she needed answers to.
"Like I mean, can we do the doggy style with her pregnant?" Cade asked thoughtfully while Addison gave her the WTH face but of course she hid it immediately but of course I didn't miss it.
After asking a million questions we called it a day with Cade sending me home but the next time we met Cade fucked me senseless and she kept going round after round that I was surprised I could keep up with her but I guess being pregnant has its perks but the bad part was that after fucking me that one time it never ended. I became a horny whore around Cade and we had to fuck whenever we met, it was like a silent rule but of course my baby MoMA never complained and satisfied me every darn time leaving me begging for more.
Luckily Cade was extremely thorough in her calculation so we never got caught.
We met every week and the at most we met twice a week.

But today's meeting was purely coincidental and I know my friends are probably worried sick. Cade snapped her fingers in front of me to get my attention and it worked
"Are you gonna name em or what?" Cade chuckled while shaking her head.

Now the confusion is clear. You're welcome.
I have some ideas but I'm thinking, should I put it or should I leave it as a memory in my brain?

Whatever You Like (Girlxgirl)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora