Chapter 24

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After having a bath and eating breakfast together despite the numerous times Cade told me and I quote "I don't eat breakfast babe you know that" like seriously does she really think she stands a chance 🙄. Long story short she ate breakfast and didn't leave till she showered me with enough kisses for a week and luckily she was willing to gimme my kisses little did I know those kisses will be the last for four whole years.
After breakfast were leaving the house now to meet Tris he has already been calling Cade nonestop for thirty minutes now like dude chill out.
I have been avoiding Trish's calls for thirty minutes now and yes yes I know I have to be early but cut me some slack dude I'd miss my baby girl so I'm obliged to arrive late.
Pulling up at Mazy's school I pull her in for a big tight bear hug and kiss her so hard that I can feel my lips hurting talk more of hers sooo before she steps out of the car I hand her my lip balm after applying some on her lips.
"Here keep it and don't forget to put it every once in a while and also I have a pack of them in my drawer if ever you want some more and also here are the keys to the penthouse and the villa all yours."
"WHAT?! No that's too much..."
"You deserve it and I love you so much, forever and always."
"I love you too Cade."
"I'm glad, I have to go now and we don't want you to be late now do we?"
"Good, now it's time to part stay safe I love you."
"I love you too."
"Come back to me in one piece k."
"Of course Sweetness."

With that she drove off and I walked to my class.


After dropping Mazy off I drove straight to the airport as we have to finish this war and show this people their places and also to serve as a warning to the other gangs and then after that we'd deal with Ricci.
"In hell."
"Now isn't the time for jokes Cade everything is set."
"Let's go then."

We're on my private jet heading to Sicily Italy where everything is set up and we're making an appearance at one of our biggest casinos and I know you'd say we're insane for risking our businesses but yeah you're right were insane because once that casino is blown up then the police will have close to nothing on us we're not scared of the police but my parents also want to move along with so many other reasons so I say why the fuck not.
"Tris where's Gio?"
"Dude you made a big fuss for him to stay behind with Mazy and it took me the whole fucking drive home to convince you to pick someone else so Gio is at the back taking a power nap Mr grumpy."

Sicily. Italy.

At last we arrived and fuck me but I'm tired and I miss my cupcake so much already, I wonder what she's doing....

Over at New York.

It has barely been half a day and I already miss Cade so much and it hurts but luckily I'd see her soon, in just a few days I'd see her again. I wonder what she's doing? has she eaten? Is she thinking bout me as much as I'm thinking bout her?
Well I guess I won't know as of now I'm done with school and I'm on my way to the office and before I can step my foot out of the entrance I spot a tall lean muscular man wearing a black sunglasses and wearing all black giving off Cade employee vibe because I've seen Tris and Gio dressed up exactly like that when going on jobs but in order not to embarrass myself I'd pretend I didn't see him and walk slowly till he calls out to me.
Walking slowly to the gates the all black clothed man saw me and caught up with me.
"Excuse me ma'am, you're Miss Mazy right?"
"Okay ma'am please can you come with me Boss gave me strict orders to keep you safe at all times."
"Hmmmmmm perfect let's go."

In the car.
"Where to ma'am?"
"Tygian law firm."
Taking out my phone I decided to text Cade.
'Hello stranger.'
'If I'm a stranger am I a sexy one then?'
'I saw your present you left a bodyguard back here with me to be my 24/7 babysitter not so?'
'Babe you know what I do I need you to be safe and then I'd be at peace with myself, prevention is better than cure but if you don't like it then I can always make him watch you from afar....'
'It's fine don't worry. I miss you so much!!!'
'I do toooooo.'
'Id talk to you soon I gotta go to work now.'
'Ok and say hi to your boss for me 😉😉.'
'Piss off now.'
'I love you too!'
'You know I do but I really got to go now.'
'If she doesn't wanna get the memo and kindly back off then simply tell her how big my dick is I'm sure that'd traumatize her for a long enough time.'
'You're insufferable 🤦.'
'Love you too 😉.'
"Kindly get off your phone and come over here, help us go through the plan," Tris said.
"I'm sure you all don't need me there as you're all capable but you're calling on me because you all miss my entertainment Soo I'd kindly grant your wishes."

After going through the plan so no mistakes are made were back at the mansion and Giovanni just arrived a while ago and is resting.
Tomorrow evening is when all is gonna go down and then I'd say goodbye to Mazy temporarily meaning I'd break up with her because I can't get her any more caught up in this than she already is.
'She going in on my duck tonight...'
Speak of the devil.
"I was just thinking bout you."
"What exactly were you thinking bout?"
"How much I miss you."
"You're too much of a pervert to just miss me so I'm pretty sure you were thinking of having sex with me right now."
"Ok you got me, so don't blame me if you won't be able to walk for a week straight when I get back."
"Oh I fucking will bish."
"How are you and how was work?"
"I'm fine and work was fine and before you ask no I didn't see my boss and she didn't try anything."
"How sure are you that was my next question?"
"I know you."
"What's my favorite color?"
"Ok I give up, yeah you know me."
"How's the preparation?"
"It's fine we're putting backup in place as you can never be too careful."
"Come back to me in one piece k?"
"Yes ma'am I promise I will."
"Good, now I gotta go sleep I'm exhausted."
"It's fine goodnight hun."

The next day (Day of the battle)

"Is everything in place?"
"Yes boss, there's full surveillance on the whole area and the ambulance will be close by with the tech team in another van watching through the computers and the earphones has been dispatched to all the members who will be fighting so if anyone is in danger all they have to do is say so and someone will come get them."
"Good job Gio. Now go get ready it's almost afternoon we have only four hours left."
"Yes boss."

Taking out my phone I decide to video chat with Mazy...

Hey y'all sup?

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