Chapter 6

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He left and didn't come back till two weeks later and two weeks later I had returned to work and was awaiting him to hand over the businesses to me along with the mafia. Chase informed me he will be coming today for the signing and we'll I just want to get this over and done with because I'm tired of the whole process and I'd like to go back to just doing my thing without anyone interfering.
Walking to the study with bodyguards and our personal lawyer tailing him, his lawyer handed over some documents and of course I read through them before signing. "I don't have time left, the doctor said I'd be dead in six months at most but I won't last a year. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and I was cruel to you I'm sorry for it all but I'm proud of the woman you have become and though it'd sound weird, I love you Cade and I'm very proud of you."
"Thanks dad."
And with that I hugged him for the first and last time.
After the takeover it was harder than before the paperwork, subordinates etc everything was overwhelming but I adjusted quickly afterall I was trained for it. As expected dad died in five months in his sleep, his cancer was really brutal to him I was never close to him but he was still my father so I attended his burial to pay my respects but I didn't tell mum about it, at all she was healthy and I was glad.
( 5 months later )
After working my ass off everyday and night for the last months, all my businesses were doing very well and the profits were increasing on a daily but still I didn't give up I still worked my butt off because I want my businesses to be the top in the world.
The people I work with are the best in their fields as I only work with the best of the best because I don't like mistakes, I've seen mum once or twice and she also visited the club a month ago but she still doesn't know about the mafia and I don't plan to tell her anytime soon.

( 10 years later )
(Back from flashback)
Arriving my house, I take a shower and fix my equipments in their appropriate positions and head to the kitchen to make a salad. I know what you all are thinking, I got the money why not get people to do it for me? I got the money but I appreciate doing things myself so no thanks.
After dinner I head to my room and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was off to dreamland.
My life is pretty boring, I shuffle between work, workout, mafia, assassination jobs and some side hobbies like skydiving, racing, fighting etc. Oh and yes I have an underground fight club but it's top secret.

( The next morning )
(Yawns) getting out of my bed, I walk to my bathroom brush my teeth, have a bath and I'm off to work since I'm not in the mood to eat this morning but I did make my bed tho.
On my way to work, I decide to get a cup of coffee.
( At the coffee shop )
"Hey, can I get a cup of coffee with extra cream please."
"Errr hello...."
"Oh I'm so sorry, I'd get it right away."
( 3 minutes later )
"Your order is ready ma'am."
"Thanks, here." Paying for my order I tip her off.
"Keep the change."
"Thanks ma'am."
"It's fine and please dont call me ma'am, it makes me feel old."
"Sure, sorry."
"It's fine."
Walking out of the coffee shop, the next thing I feel is a body colliding with mine and heat on my body and yes I fell on the floor with a girl in my arms, and drenched in coffee.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I didn't see you coming, let me get some towels or something." And next thing she goes into the coffee shop and comes back with towels.
"It's fine."
"No it's not that must really burn."
"It is burning...."
"How about I take you to a hotel and get you some new clothes at the mall."
"It's no need."
"I insist.
"Fine, but my car is close by I'd drive."
"No problemo."
And with that, we got in my car and I drove to one of my hotels but of course she didn't know that. Actually I think she's taking a proper look at me now then when she spilled hot coffee on me..... Not complaining tho, she's totally gorgeous and I think I'm getting really naughty thoughts by just looking at her....
' Fuck, I need to get laid.'

Another chapter for y'all,I hope you had a good day today.
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