Chapter 31

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    (In Addison's office)

"OK so what's the verdict because I know that she is definitely pregnant so if you dare say she isn't then just know that the whole mafia including her dead girlfriend will come for yo ass so speak up already the suspense ait killing me."  Finely threatened Addison as soon as she walked through the door.

"So let's bring the tension to a two shall we?" Mazy calmly bailed Addison out of the hole Finely was ready to bury her in. "So I am pregnant." Quenn rolled her eyes at Mazy.

"Tell us something we don't know, like we legit brought you here because we all knew from the start that you got knocked up the first time y'all fucked bish!"  Miranda took over this time around in scolding yours truly.

"Okay we get it, all of you knew and still know that I am pregnant but hey tell me did you know that I have two humans growing in me? No right? So now shut the fuck up all of you and stop attacking Addison for no fucking reason because it is getting me really pissed right now.

And Finely I know you mean good but call the father of my children's name recklessly again and I will personally bury you head next to my girlfriend and dead or not I trust that she will personally make your life a living hell." After the threatening session Mazy sat down calmly giving the people sitting in front of her the time to digest the just dished out information.

"Wait!!! You are pregnant with twins?? Wowww Cade keeps outdoing herself time and time again even in death and I really wish she could be here to see you right now but my best guess is that she's watching right now and wiping off the tears from her eyes." Quenn stated while Miranda rolled her eyes "You are talking like you even met her but you didn't."

Quenn flipped her hair "It ain't my fault that we are similar in so many ways than one."

"Enough with the bickering and let's go home I am famished and make sure to get me ice cream Tris because your Donna craves ice and sweet to satisfy my sweet tooth." The girls looked at each other racking their brains to remember when exactly Mazy developed a sweet tooth but they remembered her not having a sweet tooth and staying away from  junk food all the time which led them to their next question. 

"When exactly did you miraculously develop a sweet tooth gurl? A bug bit you or something?" The girls asked while Tris just snickered remembering that Cade had an insatiable sweet tooth to the point that she had  sweets, gums, cookies, chocolate you name it in every corner of her house.

"The child got it from Cade, she loved sweets so much that it was almost like she couldn't live without it and with that being said we have to go because its getting late.

6 months later.


"Tris is out to get more chocolate bars for you and if your teeths feel like they are falling out then its a sign that you my friend should slow down on the chocolate bars." Quenn sat opposite her friend with no care in the world and she had made up her mind not to give anything sweet to Mazy and even if Mazy begged she would be begging for a lost cause because Quenn had become immune to her pleading so she had no doubt that nothings gonna work.

"Well he should better hurry before I drive to the darn store myself. Ugh." Mazy stumped her feet and pouted like a child.

"The fuck you think will let you out of this darn house? Obviously not me because I am not ready to have my head chopped off by Tris, Miranda and Finely and in case you have forgotten, you my dear are 8 months pregnant not 4 weeks pregnant so watch it.

If not for you at least take care for Cade's sake. They are her children too and you darn well that if she was here right now she would have installed the whole mall of chocolates for you but she got taken unfortunately so please just hold on for her."

"Okay fine but I really miss her everyday and I couldn't thank her enough for sending these angels to me and I do not regret any second spent with them and they aren't even here yet."

"I'm back with the  chocolate, are you okay Mazy?" Tris walked in with his hands full of different types of chocolate meanwhile Mazy smiled while running towards the shopping bags.

"I am positive at this point that you will give birth to dark brown children." Quenn rolled her eyes at her friend while saying that but the hormonal pregnant woman opposite her wasn't having it.

"Whatever color they are, I do not care  because they were convinced through love and passion and Cade is the love of my life like it or not so now be a good girl by giving me a chocolate bar I am starving." Quenn rolled her eyes but still gave the woman what she wanted.


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