Chapter 10

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   ( Mazy )
   I really didn't expect she'd text me first because you see.....she's the kinda cold person no actually scratch that she's not kinda cold she's the cold person with this cold demeanor surrounding her and for some reason I feel attracted a d drawn to her.
It's really confusing since I just met her but I'd like to see how this all goes tho I wish we were vampires or werewolves so it can be easier to know who our mates are as it is easier that way but I guess I have to wake up from my fantasy because she'd be here in 20 minutes and I'm still on my bed sitting in a daze and I haven't even showered yet (facepalm).
   Quickly getting up I bolt to the bathroom, while showering I brush my teeth at the same time and when I'm done I quickly dry my body while brushing my hair and put it into two pigtails then I slip on a pair of socks, underwear, a black trouser and a baggy size shirt with a sweater on it and while heading out of my room I grab a black heart and my glasses because I'm in no mood to wear contacts today.
      As if on cue, as soon as I get to the sitting room I hear a knock on the door. (Knock knock)
"Hold on." Opening the door I see a drop dead gorgeous Mazy staring at me with her chestnut orbs that are.....cold as usual but there's a tinge of warmth in them as she stares right back at me and that makes me more comfortable.
   ( Cade )
After getting dressed in a black suit and a leather coat I walk out of my house and walk to my garage. Deciding to ride the black Rolls Royce today I get in and drive out, Mazy's house is not too far from mine it's about an hour and that ain't no problem so in an attempt to not let myself go crazy thinking about the whole date today so I take out my phone and connect my phone to the car so it plays songs from my phone and that distraction works because before I know I pull up in front of Mazy's.
   (At the door to Mazy's apartment)
  Taking a deep long breath I knock and thankfully she wasn't far away so she walked to the door and opened up.
"I believe I'm here for a certain Miss Mazy? Do you happen to know where she is?"
"As a matter of fact I do, come in I'd get her."
"K thanks." And with that I follow her in and her apartment is not too big but it isn't crampy either on tye contrary it's really clean and organized and comfortable.
"No thanks I'm good."
"Miss Mazy is right here and she's ready to go." She said as she pointed to herself.
"She looks stunning."
"Why, thankyou."
And with that I pull her in for a hug and luckily she doesn't resist......she's so soft like a fluffy pillow a d her hair smells like watermelon, my favorite fruit so comfortable. Releasing her I ask 
"Shall we go?"
"We shall." And with that we left her apartment to my car.
"Where's your car?"
"Right in front of you."
(Gasp) "You changed the car, don't  tell me that you have a hundred cars or something..."
"I'm building my collection hun, I will soon have a hundred cars."
"How? Ugh stupid question more like why?"
"Because I got the money love."
Opening the door for her she gets in and when she's comfy I turn around and enter as well and after wearing my sit belt I speed off and luckily Mazy liked the thrill and wasn't scared so we got to the restaurant faster.
   (30 minutes)
     At the restaurant.
"Buenos noches Senor de Senorita"
"You understand Spanish?"
"Yes I do, I just forget sometimes because I don't speak Spanish all the time."
"Ahhhhh gotcha."
"What do you want to eat?"
"I think I'd take the spicy sauce spaghetti."
Raising her hand up a little a waiter rushes to our table and takes our orders.
"So, do you speak other languages apart from English?"
"Yes, I speak basic Chinese, Dutch, Portuguese and Navajo."
"But that's an endangered language?"
"It's what makes it more thrilling."
"How about you?"
"I speak Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Polish and Hawaiian."
"An endangered language too, nice."
"I guess. Food's here."
While eating there was no interaction because we both enjoyed the peace and quiet while eating and luckily Cade booked a table in the quiet mad private part of the restaurant and I'm trying to avoid thinking of all the things we can do here but I'm failing miserably but I know I won't do that on a first date or would I? I won't know yet. Time will tell.

Sorry my lovely readers for not updating yesterday but this is an update today. Love y'all lots🖤🖤

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