Chapter 25

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Taking out my phone the name that appeared on the screen brought a smile to my face already I miss her so fucking much already...
"Hello amor. How are you today sorry I couldn't call earlier I had to finish up with preparation."
"It's fine, you still called so no problem. So you say you all fight tonight?"
"Yes tonight"
"Stay safe ok?"
"Yes boss."
"I gotta go now I love you."
"Love you more!"
"Not a fucking chance in hell."

"Boss!??? You need to be getting ready it's getting darker outside."
"Let's go."
     Outside I met with a scene that make my adrenaline rush.
Here all the men/women are all packed and ready, the cars set, weapons checked, bombs are ready as well and of course Gio and Tris are here as well ready to win this battle no matter what.

"Everyone ready?"
"Yes boss," they said unanimously.
"Let's end this war." I said and walked to my car with Gio and Tris tailing me.

In the car
"You know, after all this Mazy will be broken.....she really loves you dude." Tris said
"I love her too but I have to keep her safe as well, I won't be able to live with myself if anything happens to her...."
"So breaking her heart is the best option?"
You got any better ideas genius?"
"I guess not."
"Brace yourselves, were here.
Let's end this once and for all."

"Hey. Make sure you try your hardest to make it out alive ok?"
"You don't need to tell me Gio, I know you can't live without me."
"Not time for the cockiness."
"Well that's your problem"
"Fuck me. Lets just go already."
"Hey Gio and Tris! Stay safe in there and make it out alive."
"Yes Cade."

       {Inside the arena.}
The deep font is Cade and the light one is the leader of the other mafia.
We see you cowards decided not to be so cowardly this time but it's a shame we'd have to end you soon enough.
Brag all you want but the person who will be leaving here alive is still yet to be determined.
Good cuz I was getting bored already.
"Grunts" you wanna play dirty huh. Ok I'mma give you what you want.

      Without a second thought Cade removed her guns effortlessly and began running to where the main fight was at the same time furiously shooting at the motherfuckers who dared to ambush her and injure her in the arena.
After killing a hundred of men in a few seconds with the gun she threw the guns to one side and made sure to leave three bullets in it because you never know when you'd need it..
Seeing Gio in trouble she swiftly ran to than and killed the man in question with her dagger splitting the head off his body and then killing the idiots that came to attack her and Gio after the kill.
Seems like the man killed had a higher role in the gang but who cares .
Thing is the Cade in question after her and the group killed more than half of the opponents gang she fell to her knees.
   She was exhausted and also badly wounded and bleeding profusely.
"Boss, boss.!"
Sighting a man from the opposite gang member aiming for Tris she swiftly took the gun she left bullets in earlier and killed him while turning Tris around and using herself as a human barrier to take the bullet.
"Cade. Cade!!"
"Why did you do that? No
Don't die in me dammit."
"Gio!! Please call the ambulance waiting Cade is badly injured with about five bullets in different places."
"On it."

The medics rushed in and took her in their van while trying to stop all the blood and keep her alive.

"Cade! Cade don't die on me.
It's all my fault Gio."
"Don't blame yourself right now and call Mazy up she has the right to know."
"I'd call her now."

{On the other side of the world.}
I've been shifting anxiously in my seat for a while now, I have a pit feeling in my stomach and also I can't stop rubbing my hands for a reason.
    The feeling that something bad has happened is making me run mad with fear.
Lord please let Cade be alright I can't loose her and as if on cue.
Tris's call came in.

"Tris! Are you guys okay? Have you finished the war and where's Cade is she ok?"
"Mazy..... Cade got shot several times and is severely wounded and also bleeding profusely, the medics are trying all the can and we're on the way to the hospital.
I've sent the jet to come get you and you'd be here by morning.
You'd be safe on your way here don't worry too much and just pray that Cade will be ok don't give up hope Cade is a tough one."

After a few weeks of no update I'm ready to wrap this up and say goodbye to Cade and Mazy 😭😭😭 already.
It breaks my heart.
A new story is up and it's The Royal Supernaturals, do check it out and tell what you think. Adíos.

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