Chapter 29

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   Two weeks later.
Let's just say the past two weeks haven't exactly being the best cup of tea to swallow.
Back to the burial day.
After breaking the door, Gio had a meltdown and we kinda clashed because he was going all beserk on me and if he ever thought for even just a second that I'd stay there and watch him scold me like a scared little girl then he's solely mistaken because I lashed out on him like never before and I'm pretty sure Tris felt bad because I heard along the lines that Cade got shot to save him and I don't blame her because I know how Cade is, she'd do anything to protect the people she loves and she loves Tris very much and I could tell from the very first time we met but luckily not in the romantic way.
   After that, Gio stormed out and I didn't hear from him since. Do I feel bad for what I did? Yeah of course I do but we're all just hurting and looking for who to blame to make it better and I admit that it was not the most ideal way of dealing with the problem but what can I say? I'm back home now and I am going to turn in my resignation letter right now at the firm I work so that I can have my undivided attention solely on school work and school alone.
    Reaching the elevator to take me up to my boss's office I waited patiently for the elevator to 'ding' and after that I went straight to her office, knocking twice I heard a subtle 'come in' and without wasting any time I went inside since I was slowly but surely getting tired and all I wanted was ice cream and pizza while laying down on the comforter at home with AC blaring at me. Was that too much to ask?
Apparently so....

Walking into the office I greeted my boss well about to be ex boss. Quietly placing the file to the table I stepped back while her eyebrows perked with curiosity as she quickly took the envelope and looked in it removing resignation letter neatly folded in the envelope and quickly reading it.
Gracie, my boss looked at me with an unreadable expression as she carefully asked "Are you sure?"
Smacking my lips together and applauding myself in my head for actually pulling off pretending to not care, I answered nonchalantly with a curt "Yes."
Sighing Gracie stood up from her seat and rounded me walking up to me she cupped my face in her arm meanwhile I wasn't having it so I slapped her hand away harshly.
"I just came to drop the papers off, you sign and I finna be on my way not to rekindle some unrequited love you had for me thank you very much." If only Mazy's best friends could see her now they'd be yelling 'Go best friend!!'
Finally taking the hint after masking the hurt she felt Gracie went back to her seat and acted professional which was very much appreciated as she just wanted to be over and done with the chapter.
Gracie signed my resignation later and sent over my last payment then I was ready to go.
Briefly thanking her I was about to walk out before she held me arm.
"I know my feelings will not be returned but do take care of yourself and if you need anything at all you can call me, I might not be your boss anymore but I don't mind us being friends." Gracie scratched her neck nervously as she just nodded.
"Thank you, I'd take care of myself and you take care of you too. Would hate to come back one day to see the boss and be told 'oh I'm sorry there's a new person in charge." I rolled my eyes sarcastically after saying that and Gracie just laughed.
"You know you just said you'd come visit me sometime in that comment right?"
"No harm done there." I flipped my hair nonchalantly.
"Well I'd be waiting for that. Goodbye Mazy."
"Goodbye Gracie."

      1 month later.
The last one month has been hell to say the least.
After resigning at my job I've been giving my studies the 100% focus it needs if only the drowsiness lets me, I've been feeling very tired lately and unfailingly puking my entire gut out every morning and my friends who have been staying over for the last three weeks suggested I take a pregnancy test but of course yours truly refused because she didn't want to get her hopes up.
   In the kitchen.
"Gurl you've been puking your entire stomach out every day, falling asleep at intervals, craving spicy food too much to hear and to mention that you never really liked spicy food in the first place, you been eating like a food monster and also you been getting chubby." Miranda argued while I went to get my extra spicy pasta that was ordered yesterday just the way I like it.
With tears welling up in my eyes I stood up straight and looked at her. "Are y-you s-s-saying I'm f-fat?" Meanwhile Finely commented "And here yours truly comes the water works."
Quenn just quickly came to me wrapping her hands around me
"Ooooh who date says my baby fat hm? You are anything but fat. Look you're even glowing sooo pretty but let's go take a pregnancy test, if not for you then do it for Cade I didn't get to meet her but from what you said she'd have taken you straight to the hospital the first hour she noticed you were puking and we put this off for three weeks but please. No more okay baby?"
Quenn managed to successfully convince me by bringing Cade into this.
Finally erupting in a wave of tears my three best friends came around and comforted me while I bawled my eyes out and that's exactly why they don't mention Cade. I'm just too fragile with her being the subject of discussion and adding to the cherry on top. I miss my baby soo much that it makes me cry myself to sleep so many nights but now thinking of the little bean growing in my stomach made from pure love and passion I slowly welcome the idea of being a mum to mine and Cade's child so I hugged my best friends and sped up the process.
"Gimme my phone, I have to call Tris so that he can make an appointment for me with Cade's doctor."
"The hell is Tris!?" They all asked at the same time while I just sat there laughing.
"Tris my dear is Cade's assistant so now hand me my phone."
Their mouths formed an O before they handed me my phone and all went to get dressed.


That's wrap of this chapter people. I hit the 1000+ word count hehe.
Hope y'all good? Stay safe and take care. 🙃


Whatever You Like (Girlxgirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang