Chapter 39

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8 years later.

Sooooo It has been eight years since Mazy and I got married and also eight years since we had the twins and to say life has been a rollercoaster is just one way to out it.

It's the twins birthdays today and we have finished all the preparations necessary for their birthday to kick start and also for us to get ready to renewal our vows tomorrow.
We really wanted to do the vows renewals today along with the twins birthday but we didn't want to steal the spotlight from them so we decided we can wait one more day for that.
I am in the bathroom doing my own stuff while simultaneously getting ready for the party later but of course my horny as fuck pregnant wife has to barge into the bathroom when she knows I'm naked. 🤦🏻‍♀️
I continued grooming my hair completely ignoring her and waiting for her to start nagging me on how much I ignore her now and leave her starving and wanting sex.
Yes. My Wife is a total horn dog now with no control whatsoever when it comes to intercourse and for someone who is pregnant.
The way she craves BDSM during this period even scares me sometimes.
The woman is uncontrollable but who am I to judge her? She's still my beautiful loving wife that I married and that will never change.
"I've been with you in this room for the past thirty minutes and you haven't even looked in my direction.
You don't love me anymore. I'm fat and chubby and ugly and you don't want me anymore because you're done right?
I knew it." My wife yelled and then she looked at the floor.
And here comes the water works.
"Awwww c'here my love." I cooked as I pulled her in for a hug and cupped her swollen stomach.
"First of you were here for approximately two minutes and also I didn't pay attention to you because I wanted to finish with the clippers first. Can't let any sharp object coming in close contact with you or our baby now can we?
Secondly, my love you aren't ugly Sweetness. You are my wife, who cares if you're fat or chubby? I know that no matter how you look I will still always love you and I know that the sight of you all dressed up no matter what size will always make my dick twitch in my pants Ma." I kissed her forehead reassuring her as I pulled her in for a hug and she just kept crying wetting my shirt unknowingly.
"Damn this tears." She muttered as she looked at the mess she created on me and my innocent shirt.
"It's okay baby don't worry I got you." I pat her ass a bit as I tried to comfort my gorgeous wife.
"So which one do I get to deal with today? The horny pregnant wife, emotional, sassy, grumpy, or serious pregnant wife?" I look down at her to see her wearing an amused look.
'Fuck no. This can't be good.' I just braced myself for my fate yet to come in just a few seconds.
"So now you are trying to call me a problem that has to be dealt with no? You know you are very baby meanie hmph.
And today you have to deal with the emotional one. Meanie." And she just scoffed and walked out of the room while I just stood there speechless and asking myself.
'What the hell just happened?'
I shook my head and finished up what I was doing before heading downstairs to get wait for the guests with my family.

Anna and Jay are seated besides their mother, my beautiful wife who is seated on one of the soft cushions looking sexy as fuck and good enough to eat in her shaped mini dress.
She's pregnant but I'll be damned if I don't give pregnancy a very big thumbs up for doing so good on her. The woman looks good enough to eat and the sight of her just makes my dick twitch in my pants every darn time and luckily for me her need for sex tops everything so we be going wild at it everywhere and honestly I am not even complaining.

"Happy birthday my princess and my prince." I creep on my kids and let's just say they are pleasantly surprised but happy at the same time.

"Thank you daddy!" They shout together, at the same time and tho I was scared out of my darn wits the first time they did that to me I can proudly say that I am used to it by now.

Whatever You Like (Girlxgirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora