Chapter 22

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—Get affirmation from the Dandan Grass.

The new task that they received after being robbed was as above.

The task that was difficult for Borg's group wasn't a difficult task for Tu Mianmian.

After all, he is a little treasure favored by all mutant plants.

Tu Mianmian had already visited the Zoological Garden once.

So this time when he received this task, he took a shortcut and found his way around the garden skillfully.

Finally, he arrived in front of the Dandan Grass.

Tu Mianmian was very happy to learn that the mutant grass he saw last time was the target for their mission.

The Dandan Grass was also very happy to see Mianmian.

The two had a friendly reunion, and the task was accomplished with little effort put in.

A 'ding-dong' sounded on Xu Lu's light brain, indicating that the task had been completed.

Although Mianmian finished the task, he didn't leave.

He stood in front of the Dandan Grass and muttered something secretly to it.

After listening to Tu Mianmian, Dandan Grass swayed back and forth as if shaking its head.

Then, it swayed up and down as if it was nodding.

One person and one mutant plant—who knows what they were up to, secretly communicating between themselves.

In the distance, Robbins, Fritsch, and Xu Lu hurried over.

"Mianmian!" Robbins yelled as he saw Tu Mianmian's figure from afar.

"Why did you run away without a live camera! The footage wasn't recorded!"

Tu Mianmian didn't seem to hear his shouting.

Before Robbins could continue speaking, he saw a slender blade of grass stretch out from the Dandan Grass in front of Mianmian, which was wrapped around a wild vegetable from nearby.

Then, the Dandan Grass pulled out the wild vegetable with a bit of force.

It moved its slender blade of grass and carefully pinched off the roots and leaves on the wild vegetable, leaving only the tender heart of the vegetable.

Then it handed it to Tu Mianmian's mouth.

Mianmian ate it in one bite, and when he chewed it, his cheeks bulged out.

He also sneakily looked left and right with his large rabbit eyes, like a thief in fear of being caught.

[Ah, ah, Mianmian, what are you doing?! I saw it all!!!]

[Cute cute. Stealing Wild Vegetables.jpg]

[White and Fat, Full of Hope.jpg]

[Hahahaha. I'm going to die from laughing! Tu Mianmian! Do you know what you're doing! Not only did you receive gifts (carrots) in front of us, but now you're also stealing vegetables and eating them in front of the masses!]

[Bullshit! Slander! Has Mianmian ever touched that wild vegetable? No! Then, can food that hasn't passed through Mianmian's hands be called stolen food?]

[The food was offered by the mutant plant voluntarily. How can it be said to be stolen?]

[Can you still see? Look! What are they secretly doing? The camera has already caught everything and recorded it, woo woo woo my stupid Mianmian~]

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