Chapter 40 - Steamy

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Monday, 8th of August

This last week has been eventful, a lot has changed. After the staff found out about Murphy they weren't exactly happy. They thought he was this perfect laidback guy who let them do what they wanted and despite how he changed the rules those last two days, the staff still liked him. They were shocked. Logan and his brothers didn't tell them why Murphy had gone, they just said that he had. So rumors have been spreading throughout on what they think happened to him.

My favorite rumor was that the Stone brothers killed him. Part of me wants to keep that one swinging around I love watching people come up with all their own conclusions. I may have joined in and added the idea that he's buried in his garden forever overlooking and haunting the resort.

I'd carried on as normal at the beginning of the week, cleaning the cabins. I was trying to do my absolute best to make sure everything was perfect and clean. I'd helped in the bar in the evenings too. Not every evening, but some nights we'd go there for a drink and it would be super busy. So I'd run around clearing glasses and pouring drinks. On Monday I'd helped serve breakfast in the restaurant before I started in the cabins. I could see Taylor was really struggling, so I took a few orders for her.

I wanted this place to do well. I wanted people to like it here, and enjoy their stay. I felt an obligation almost for Logan. The only thing I felt weird about was what Logan and I were now. Now Murphy had gone did that mean he would tell people about us? Can I tell people? Again, it's not like we were together, together. But people could know that there was a thing going on between us right?


I'd gone for a run this morning. I woke surprisingly early and saw a beautiful sunrise, I just felt like sprinting out the door. I had all this energy so I ran it off.

I ran up towards the square, around and up a path, past loads of cabins, down a path, then followed it down the road back towards my cabin.

As I ran back I was happy to see Logan coming toward me. He was walking Mudge.

"Well good morning," he beamed, "You're up early."

I slowed down and stopped in front of him, giving Mudge lots of attention. "Yeah, I had all this energy!" I smiled.

"What you up to today? It's your day off right?" He asked.

"Well, actually I was gonna see you if you need help with anything. Ya' know cause I'm sure you have lots to sort out? I also wanted to talk to you."

He squinted his eyes, "About what?"

I needed to say it straight out. "Well... I'm leaving soon and I thin- "

"-Don't say it... please." he interrupted. "I just want to enjoy the rest of the month with you."

"Is that gonna help?" I had worry in my voice.

His face already looked hurt. "Let's enjoy each other's company without thinking about it okay?"

I'm not so sure... maybe he won't find it as hard as I will. He even said he's good at goodbyes. But I really do want to just enjoy the rest of my summer and I don't want to do it avoiding him again.

"Okay." I smiled. "Also... Can I tell people about our... thing now?"

"Do you want people to know?" His eyebrows raised.

He has to ask that, doesn't he?

"Well it's not like I'm desperate for people to find out, it just makes life easier so I'm not lying all the time."

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