Chapter 11 - Only A Week

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Sunday, 19th of June

I didn't think I was that drunk last night... but I definitely feel like I was today. I woke up and instantly regretted all my decisions. I should know now not to think on impulse! Stupid idiot Laney. Fucking idiot.
The light shone into the bedroom. The golden suite is everything you'd never want for a 'golden suite'. It looked like they'd just taken all the '60s furniture from the previous cabins and copied and pasted them into here. Looked like a honeymoon suite from hell, no wonder nobody books these cabins. It's a waste of money.

"Retro," I said whilst looking around the room.

Kai wasn't in the bed, I actually couldn't see or hear him anywhere. He is an early bird. Surfing is his life and earliest in the morning is where he finds the best waves. But he's not gonna be surfing the lake so where the fuck is he? I collected up my clothes from the night before. Urgh, why do I do this to myself? I checked my phone, a message from Stella.

Stella: Are you up yet we're having breakfast at the restaurant.

Well, that was fifteen minutes ago. I had no message from Kai. Well, probably cause I gave him what he wanted last night. He'll be fine for another what... Day? half a day? Till he's asking for it again.
I got dressed, cleaned my face, then brushed my teeth with my finger and Kai's toothpaste. My hair was starting to get greasy and I hadn't eaten since yesterday's lunch.

Fuck. My. Life.

I left the cabin and walked to the restaurant. It was a nice day today, the weather at the moment has been all over the place. sunny, hot, and humid. Then raining and cold, then hot again. I could already hear the noise from outside. It was surprisingly busy this morning. An old couple sat by the window drinking a cafetière between them. The man had on a golfing outfit and his wife a sundress. They smiled at me awkwardly as I stepped in. There were a few families in the booths and odd couples dotted around. By the bar was another old man. He's eating a breakfast muffin, whilst watching sports on the tv. I saw Kaley behind the bar, she smiled at me and gestured her head to the last booth. The noisiest. Caden and Stella are sitting toward me laughing as always. They're so into each other that I'm surprised they haven't slept with each other yet. I walked towards the booth and Stella spotted me.

"Finally." She smiled. "Thought you'd lost your way."

"I could hear you guys as soon as I came in," I said as I slumped into the seat. That's when I saw Kai next to me.

"Are you sore this morning?" He smirked. Oh, I bet he's proud of that one.

"You're hilarious," I said bluntly.

He chuckled and put his arm around me. "Bet you're night wasn't as good as mine Caden?" He said proudly.

Caden gave him an irritated stare. "No bud. You win that one. Congrats." He's definitely not amused. I don't think anyone is amused by Kai.

"Where's Nick?" I asked.

"Gone to get his car from town," Stella said.

"Oh, the poor guy is he feeling rough?" I asked.

"Alcohol is like water to him now, he practically sprinted outta' bed this morning," Caden said.

"We already ordered breakfast," said Stella. "Do you want me to come with you to the bar to order yours?" She gives me the look. Like, let's talk look.
I nodded my head and we left the booth. As we walked to the bar she gives me 'the eyes'.

"Kai is such a little fuck, I swear to god" she whispered.

Thank you! Thank the Lord for Stella.

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