Chapter 8 - Patch Of Grass

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We walked side by side following the trail by the lakeside. He told me about the resort and how great it used to be when it was at its prime.

"I used to make new friends all the time." He grinned. "It was sad saying bye to people, but ultimately I got used to it." He paused and looked down. "I think it's good for me though." His face doesn't say that. "It makes me good at goodbyes."

"I wish I was good at goodbyes, I'd probably adventure off to places more and stop being such a pussy. I was a mess leaving home and that's only for the summer." I laughed.

"You must have a good life at home." he smiled.

"I've been lucky... I love living by the sea, I love my friends... I've known Stella since high school I tell her everything! and my mum and dad are best friends! Their Divorced, but they've always been chilled out and honest with each other. It was a mutual decision."

"That sounds like you've got great people around you." He nodded.

"I do..." I assured. I tried to think of something to ask him and all that came into my head was his relationship with Murphy.

"So... why don't you live in your step dad's house?" I asked.

Why did I say that?

Logan looked at me with a confused face. "Uh having my own place just seemed better I guess." he snickered.

"Obviously," I laughed awkwardly. "I just thought cause it's such a big beautiful house. Is it just him in that house?"

"Yeah, well it was smaller. It got... rebuilt recently." He looked annoyed.

"It is quite modern compared to the resort." I noted.

He scoffed, "Yup..." his face irritated.

He definitely doesn't want to talk about this. I'll change the subject. "You're a great Gardener, the flowers around here are so pretty."

"Thanks, I like my plants."

"Do you... water them often?"

"Uhh yeah if it's not been raining." He chuckled.

Shit. Why am I being so weird? my flirting is usually flawless. I'll just be silent that's better than my convo right now.

I looked straight ahead following the trail and admiring the view, trying not to think about anything I've said. I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye. He's smiling at me and started laughing to himself.

"What?" I smiled at him.

"I don't know, you make me laugh" he grinned.

Oh great... But in like a 'he thinks I'm stupid' way? Or the 'he thinks I'm cute' way? Cause I overthink everything I hope he knows that.

"Over there" he pointed. "That's the spot."

I looked over to where he was pointing. There was a little patch of grass in an opening next to the lake. He guided me off the trail and through the long uncut grass.

"I like it here cause it's hardly ever walked on." He grabbed my hand as we stepped over the grass. I noticed how big his hands are compared to mine and the strong but gentle hold he had on me.
"Then.." he continued. "we get to sit on the grass like a cushion." He smiled at me, proudly.

Oh, how sweet, he must love his little Lakeview spot, I feel flattered he wanted to show me.

Laney, you're turning weak for him.

He put the cans down on the ground and pushed the grass down to make a seat for us. "Here." He patted the ground next to him. "Come sit." I smiled at him and I tugged my dress as I sat down. He broke the plastic around the cans and passed me one.

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