Chapter 3 - Lake Wildbeck

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Saturday, 4th of June

We had been on the road for over six hours. We set off in the early hours of the morning when the sun was hardly peeking out over the horizon. Nick had decided to drive us all in his green Volkswagon camper. There was me, Stella, Caden, and Nick. So the camper was packed full of bags and belongings to last us the whole of the Summer.

It had been almost two weeks since Stella told us about the job at the resort. In those two weeks, I had moved all my stuff into Nick's place, bought a whole new wardrobe with the money I had left, and started a journal because that's what you do when you're having a main character moment in your life.

I told Kai about my move and he thought it was a terrible idea. I had to end it with him, I honestly thought he wouldn't be that bothered but when I told him I was definitely leaving, he got really annoyed with me and said that I'll probably come running back after a week. Apart of me thought he was right, I didn't want that to happen though I wanted this to work out. And worse, I didn't want to run back to him because I know my weak self would. But, I'd already had the move in my head, so I wasn't staying.

Before we left we went to the beach one last time. Because now we'd be far away landlocked, nowhere near the coast. Luckily though the resort was right next to a large lake that looked beautiful in the photos online. I was actually really excited to spend the summer there. As soon as the summer season starts, the resort gets busy so that's why we were all given jobs so easily. They need as many people as possible to help out during the busy season, even if that means your shit.

So yes I do count myself very lucky.

"Omg! I am so fucking bored. When are we there?" Stella moaned.

"You'll just complain whatever I tell you, don't worry it'll all be worth it when we get there," Nick said smiling through the mirror.

We drove through winding roads, over bumps, and around tight corners. The trees were chunky and a brighter green than the ones at home. The flowers in the fields were just starting to bloom and in the distance, a river trail reflected the sun's beams and shone white speckles. I absolutely live for this feeling. Being in the car with the windows down, great music pouring out the speaker, and the excitement and anticipation of what's to come. I just hope this place is as good as I'd like to believe.

Eventually, we passed a huge sign saying 'Lake Wildbeck Resort'. Then we saw another sign with an arrow pointing down a long thin road. The oak trees hung over the road, blinking light through the branches and casting shadows on our faces. We saw an entrance arch made up of logs. It read 'Lake Wilbeck' in bold yellow writing. We passed under it and as we drove down the road, we passed loads of log cabins.

There was a big green park in the center with a playing area, log benches, fire pits, and barbeque grills. Surrounding the park there were all these facilities. On the left there was a little shop, then to the right of that was a bar called 'The Tree Trunk'. After that an arcade. In front sat a boat hire and on the right of the park, there was a big entertainment hall. The place looked dead, there were a few residents idling about - mainly sitting outside the bar, or running in and out of the shop.
But they're not into their busy season yet so I'm not surprised it's not busy. Near the entrance there was a reception, so we parked outside.

It was a large log building, with large windows at the front.

"Wow," I said. "This is beautiful."

"Okay out of my car," Nick said. "You're making it fucking stink, get out."

"Well if Caden wasn't farting the whole journey, maybe it wouldn't," Stella said.

"Hey" Caden argued. "I'm not sorry. You fed me cheese, you know I'm lactose intolerant."

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