Chapter 10 - The Golden Suite

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The taxi drove into the resort and we all stumbled out. Nick and Caden headed straight for the Tree Trunk bar. I was almost terrified to go in there.
Stella and I walked together, she pushed the door open and I hid behind her as we walked in.
Straight away I caught Kai sitting at the bar and Mauricio and... Logan stood behind it.

Oh shit.

He's working here tonight? He's gonna' wonder what the hell is going on. I got angry at him for leading me on, yet the guy I was seeing just turned up. Shit. I see his face, but I can't tell his emotion.

"Here she is!" Kai called out, standing up. "Hey, baby."

Baby? He's never called me that before.

I slowly went up to him. He looked at me, then turned his eyes to Stella and slowly looked her up and down. Urgh Seriously?

"What are you doing here?" I fretted.

He put his arm around me tightly pushing the buttons of his jacket into my face. Ow.

"Come to see you obviously." He said.

"How about a game of pool?" Caden said obviously trying to getaway. Nick and Caden went around the corner to the pool table.

"Nah not my thing," Kai said. Kai sat back down and patted the seat next to me.

Stella and I sat down I looked at Logan who was polishing glasses. He narrowed his eyes at me and gave me a cold gaze. Then he shook his head looking down. Well, he hates me.

"Drink Laney?" Mauricio asked.

"No thanks, Mauricio."

"No drink?" Kai laughed. "That's not like you."

"I've literally just been out drinking, I think I'm done for the night," I replied.

Kai scoffed at me, then he turned to the boys. "Mauricio and Logan here have been great company. I didn't think I'd like the people here."

Stella and I looked at each other and tried not to roll our eyes. Why does he say shit like that?

"No problem," Logan insisted in a sarcastic tone and what had to be a fake smile. "I'm glad you like us."

"I'm gonna join the boys playing pool," Stella said awkwardly, disappearing around the corner.

No Stella come back. Is she serious? God can I not go play pool too? Do I really have to sit here with these two?

I watched her disappear around the corner then looked straight ahead not knowing who to look at.

"Well, Kai's been quite a surprise today," Mauricio said. "Booked one of our best cabins last minute."

"Yeah" Logan added "a big surprise." He eyed me from the side like he was challenging me, before leaning back on the bar.

He wouldn't have thought I'd be seeing someone from how I acted with him on Tuesday. I couldn't say anything. I just wanted to scream over the bar, 'I don't want him anymore!' But then what would the bother be? Logan's already said there can't be anything between us. He probably hates me now anyway.

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