Chapter 24 - Feelings Change

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I'd drove back to reception and got out slowly strolling back toward my cabin. Stella and I had planned a movie night together and I was looking forward to getting cozy in my pyjamas to relax and unwind.

My phone dinged.

Stella: Don't hate meeeee Cadens taken me out tonight 🥺

Stella: It was a surprise I'm sorry 😢 we were at the bar and he'd booked the taxi

Oh... typical.

I did feel saddened that she wouldn't be there when I got back to greet me. I hate how quiet it is when she's gone. But I'm happy for her and Caden I can't be angry at her.

Me: Don't be silly go have fun 😘 we can hang out another night ❤️

Me: love ya

Stella: love u soooo much ❤️❤️❤️

I breathed out a puff of air thinking about how I was going to entertain myself for the night. Some movies I just can't watch alone I need Stella's connotations to make them better.
I thought about Logan, actually I couldn't stop.
His face kept popping in my mind, I could imagine the feeling of his hands running up and down my skin. My body kept wriggling around on my bed at the thought of him over me. He must be just at home, not doing anything... it's his day off. Maybe he might wanna hang out? I shouldn't but I couldn't stop thinking about it. The thing is I really do enjoy his company, even after sleeping with him I realized I really do like him as a friend.

Oh, what the heck it won't hurt to try. I walked down the hill to his cabin not trying to look sneaky but also trying not to be seen. I quickly knocked on the door before I changed my mind.

Again, Mudge jumped up at the door and I heard Logan pulling him away to get down. He opened the door, his eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Laney..." he said his eyes bright. He quickly gestured me in till I was inside then he shut the door behind me.

What am I doing?

"Sorry," I said, "I didn't have anything to do, so thought you might want some company?"

"It's okay Laney," he chuckled, reassuring me. "I'm happy you're here actually. Here have a seat." He gestured to the couch.

He had a football game playing on his TV. I was trying to make out the teams when I almost stumbled over a pile of washing.

"Shit sorry about that," he said. "Need to get that done eventually." he hurried to pick it up off the floor.

I kicked my shoes off and watched Mudge jump out of his bed and leap over the couch to me. I gasped in excitement.

"Hi, Baby boy!" I squealed. "You're so beautiful, yes you are!"

Logan chuckled at me, throwing his pile of clothes into his bedroom. Mudge knocked me over as he jumped up higher to lick my face. I laughed as he tried licking my ears and my eyes, my nose, everywhere.

"You must love me more than that Mia huh?" I joked.

"Okay Mudge," Logan raised his voice after that comment, "that's it now boy, come on." Logan clapped his hands, and Mudge got up sprinting over to him. Logan got a treat out of a jar and gave it to him.

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