Chapter 30 - Mingling

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It was getting later and surprise surprise I'd lost Stella again. I tried looking out for anyone I recognized, but it was darker now and the only light came from the fire pit and people's phones.

I got my phone out it was 10:43 pm is that all!? It feels later. My phone had no connection and I couldn't send or receive any messages.

"Did you like the show earlier?" I looked up to see a tall figure walk toward me. When he got close enough I saw it was Hayes.

"Uhh yeah, you nearly got him." I smiled.

"I had to let him win." He joked.

There was something about Hayes's presents, he seemed like a very dominant person. You could see why girls would find him attractive. He was tall, well built, he had a handsome face. All the things that made him look like the perfect package. But just from tonight, you could sense people's reactions to him. I didn't trust him. There was something about him that seemed wrong.

"Do you always fight Logan then?" I asked.

He smiled at the question. "It's just a game... of course. Me and him, we fight over most things. Have done since we were little."

His smile gave me a strange feeling, I'm not attracted to him. At least I don't think I am. He's  unsettling. But my natural type is guys who can hold their own. This guy eludes confidence and I'm trying not to let that get to me. "Oh, whatever keeps you entertained I guess." I laughed awkwardly.

"So you know Logan?" He squinted his eyes.

"Uh, I know him from working here yeah."

"Oh, nothing more than that?" He questioned, his brows arched.

I laughed nervously. Does he know something about Logan and I?

"Nothing more than that," I repeated.

"Where are you from?" He asked.

"The coast," I nodded.

"Oh," His eyebrows lifted. "I bet it's nice living close to the beach." His tone was low, he cocked his head to the side. "A lot of people seem to have nice things to say about you."

"What people?" I laughed.

"People I've asked." He smirked.

I laughed uncomfortably, The idea he'd asked people about me, worried me.

I felt a presence join us.

"What are you doing Hayes?" Logan appeared from the dark and a part of me was relieved.

Hayes smirked. "Hey Stone, is it already time for another round?"

Logan eyed him with a slight disgust on his face. "Almost," he replied. He looked at me with a displeased glare. "Where are your friends Laney?"

I exhaled and shrugged my shoulders. I was looking at him differently now that I heard what Austin had said. This anger that he was showing seemed to be just a front. But it still made me sick to think about what Murphy had said. "Somewhere? I guess... I don't know."

"She's fine with me," Hayes chuckled.

"No, she's not," Logan ordered, shaking his head.

I was taken aback by what he'd said and looked at him open-mouthed. What is he doing? He continued to stare at Hayes.

Hayes smirked. His smile had evilness to it. He looked like a guy who liked to play games, there was this nasty sense to him. He stared Logan down. I think they have a lot more history than just wrestling matches. I stepped back feeling the energy between them.

Hayes's smile didn't drop, "You know me, Logan, I like to get to know new people."

Logan made a heavy sigh. "Well, you're not getting to know Laney." There was a warning in his eyes.

I darted my eyes from him to Hayes. What the fuck is going on?

"Logan?..." I questioned.

They were staring intensely at each other like I wasn't even there.

Hayes laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry, is she your girlfriend? Cause if she is I'll step back you know that." He had sarcasm in his tone like he was mocking him.

Logan edged towards Hayes. "It doesn't matter. You are not having her."

This is ridiculous, I intervened, "What the fuck Logan you can't say that to people."

What is he doing?

They both ignored me staring each other down. Logan was angry and Hayes saw it as a game.

Hayes smirked, "Is that a challenge?" He taunted.

"Uh, excuse me," I snapped, "I am not a fucking challenge, and Logan, you do not get to decide who can and can not have me!"

Logan clenched his jaw, finally looking at me. "If you had a right mind you'd trust me."

"Trust you?" my face couldn't hide my expression. "Well maybe I don't have a right mind, maybe I want to get to know Hayes."

He stared at me with near fury in his eyes. But he released himself, defeated. He shook his head, disappointed, his eyes lowering.

"Looks like you won't win this one Logan," Hayes chuckled.

Logan's face quickly shot up turning back to anger. It scared me to see the look he gave Hayes. I'd seen it before right before he punched Kai in the face. Something I didn't want to see again.

"Logan," I stressed, "Come on both of you, chill the fuck out."

Logan's eyes didn't leave Hayes's. He stared back, a smirk still on his face.

Even I want to punch him.

I was getting annoyed now. Why are guys like this? It's always a huge testosterone match.

"You know what? fuck you guys, have your stupid blinking contest, I'm out." I threw my hands up and walked away. I Heard Hayes laugh behind me. He's such a dick.

"Laney" Logan followed me. I looked over my shoulder at him he was looking at me with remorseful eyes.

"Ooh, you really like this one don't you Loges?" Hayes teased.

Logan closed his eyes tightly, tightening his jaw again. He looked at Hayes once more, I couldn't see his expression. He looked back at me again. "Don't walk back on your own." He said disheartened, then he walked off into the dark.

I watched him walk away then gave Hayes an unamused look before walking away myself. I decided just to take myself back to the cabin. What the fuck was that all about? He's just going to start telling guys they can't have me? He may like me or have these 'heart eyes' for me but it gives him no right! Is he for real? Maybe he really is a fucking psycho.

All my feelings are messed up. When I heard Austin say that Logan was talking about me to him. My heart melted, I'm still so hooked on the guy. But seeing him like that... how he was with Hayes? I'm capable of turning a guy away myself. I wasn't interested in him anyway. He didn't need to do that.

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