Chapter 20 - Through The Wild Green

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We got to the shed and we climbed out. Logan grabbed the stock list.

"Okay, what's the first thing on the list?" He asked.

I looked at the list. "Uhh... bleach 3 x 6" I said.

He rustled through the boxes and found the boxes of bleach. "Right got em'. There's a pen in my truck, tick them off as we go along. Those lists are wrong most of the time. So we'll need to double-check. Right, what's next?"

I called out the items from the list and helped Logan sort through the boxes to put them in the shed. I couldn't help but feel such a strong sexual tension between us both. Even though we both just agreed to be friends. Every time he'd brush past me when we'd pass each other going in and out of the shed, I'd feel a rush.

There was an almost awkwardness as if he could sense it too. I just had to remind myself to respect what he wanted. Even if he does like me, he's got things a lot more important than me to deal with. Kai's out of my life now and I'm going to start finally respecting myself. No meaningless sex. Definitely... without a doubt, no matter how insane it makes me.

"Right," I said. "Next is 5x large kindling."

He searched in his boot. "Nope, mark it as missing."

We carried on, it was taking so much longer at this point than it should have. We couldn't help messing around, I was trying so hard to not laugh at everything he said. But he was trying to make me laugh purposely! I was getting giddy and kept having to compose myself. This isn't fair why do boys turn you away but still continue to flirt with you massively? This isn't helping me get over him!
There wasn't much left in the back of his boot, eventually, it was all gone.

"Right all done. Finally, we can finish for the day" he breathed.

"But wait...." I said. "There's one more thing on this list."

"What is it?" He questioned, checking the boot for anything else.

I decided to play with him. "You have to guess."

He snickered. "What is it?"


He crossed his arms and raised his brows at me, trying to look assertive. I wasn't budging, he didn't scare me.

"Let me see the ticket." He said seriously.

"No," I smiled.

"Laney." He tried to grab it from me, but I moved away. He was trying not to look amused.

"Laney..." he said trying to be serious.

I stood there staring at him, smiling. He gave me the I'm-not-playing look, so I gave in and went to give the list to him. But then he quickly ran for me and I sprinted away, letting out a squeal. I ran behind the shed towards the open field, an overgrown meadow that was hardly ever touched. The grass got longer as I ran through the deserted grounds. The field was filled with the tallest Daisies I'd ever seen, some dandelions blew up from the ground, flying through the air in front of my face, and the whiff of lavender shot up my nose. I peered behind me and saw him running towards me.

"Eeeeh" I shrieked. The grass whipped my legs as I sped through. But it got taller and harder to push through so I turned and braced myself as he sprinted up to me pushing me to the ground.
He straddled me and locked my hands on the ground by my head, breathing heavily over me.

"You think you're funny?" He groaned breathing heavily over me. It reminded me of when we were like this by the lakeside. The first time he kissed me. I bit my lip thinking about it.

"Yes" I laughed.

"Show me the ticket."

"It wasn't anything..." I shook my head. "There was nothing left."

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