Chapter 28 - Just The Beginning

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Wednesday, 20th of July

Three weeks. It's been three very strange weeks that have passed since my argument with Logan. It's been busier, I was complaining about the resort being dead this whole time but it's starting to pick up now the weather is getting better and I'm exhausted. I've tried to keep myself entertained on my days off. Drinking at the bar, swimming in the Lake, and going on runs in the morning. Sometimes Stella and I just hang out in the cabin, either just the two of us, or sometimes I'm a third wheel and we let Caden in.

I'm starting to rethink coming here. I never wanted to say that, but I just feel sad all the time. I look at Caden and Stella and I get jealous. But it doesn't make me want to date guys. I'm completely in a 'no guy' mood. Not even in a girl mood either. It just makes it worse that I'm constantly avoiding Logan where ever I go. He rules this place, every time we go out drinking, he's there. He's always in conversation with anyone I'm around. When we've been at the bar at the same time I just keep to myself. We don't look at each other or talk to each other and I'm starting to feel like we never even happened. But It's what I want.

It was all fucked up. First with Murphy creepily inviting me into his office, then finding out Logan nearly killed the guy purposely. I have to say it, I really didn't want to believe country folk was looneys but when shit like this gets thrown at you... what am I supposed to think?

I don't want to like Logan. I want to be over him. But I'd be lying if I said I was.

That first week that we didn't see each other hurt like hell. I tried so hard to ignore it but it was there lingering, every other thought I had was about him.

But I'm glad I got out of there when I did. I'm slowly getting through it, I can't believe I was really starting to like him. Murphy was right, what do I know about Logan? Who the fuck is he apart from an almost murderer?


I pushed my foot on the peddle of the golf cart and Stella and I flew up the hill.

"Faster, Laney, make it go faster!" She yelled.

"It's going as fast it can, we're going up a fucking hill!"

I pressed my foot so far down I could feel the rumble of the ground below.

Shit, we're gonna be so late.

Murphy had called a meeting for most of the staff in the entertainment hall. He'd sent everyone a message yesterday and Stella and I had completely forgotten. Luckily, it only started five minutes ago. But we were on the other side of the resort cleaning cabins and have a vehicle that goes 10 miles per fucking hour...

"This fucking piece of crap." Stella moaned.

"Chill out, we'll get there."

We sped into the square and parked up next to the entertainment hall. We clambered out and pushed through the door. A bunch of heads turned as we walked in finding a place to sit. The hall had been set up with all the tables and chairs ready for the evening. Murphy stood on the stage, he was in the middle of talking.

"Sorry," we whispered as we tiptoed in, we sat at the same table as Caden and Taylor.

"Thanks for joining us girls," Murphy said smiling.

At least he's not mad.

He carried on talking, basically thanking everyone for their hard work.

I looked around our table. "Where's Nick," I whispered to Caden.

He whispered back. "Murph's got him up on stage doing some shit."

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