"Doesn't matter, I know who you are," Dalton replies tensely. "How did you find out where Jensen lives?"

"Vanessa," Jackson answers, his eyes going to Jensen who let out a groan of annoyance. " Initially, I was just going to call but I figured what I had to say was worth a house visit. And despite what's going through your silly little head right now, Carter  – I'm actually here to clear the air. It's why I came to you first."

"You want to clear the air?" Jensen scoffs, his eyes narrowing on Jackson.

"Yes. Is that so hard to believe? Jackson replies.

"Why now? It's been years since I last saw you," Jensen argues.

"Because I'm dealing with something here in Tares. Tidying up some loose ends, trying to right a couple of wrongs. And it turns out one of those 'wrongs' has gotten in your ear. And now you and my brother aren't on good terms anymore," Jackson explains making Jensen stiffen, his face scrunching in confusion.

"Ah, now I've got your attention," Jackson says with a chuckle.

"What are you on about Reynolds?" Jensen asks suspicious of the man before him.

"I think we should take this inside, man," Dalton murmurs to Jensen who lets out a heavy sigh before nodding. Handing Dalton the keys, he lets his friend unlock the front door while he keeps his eyes trained on Jackson. Once the door was opened, he gestures for Jackson to head inside, the man doing so with a smile that infuriated Jensen more.

Slamming the door shut behind him, he takes a seat on his couch, Jackson making himself comfortable on the chair to his right. Dalton sits on the couch as well, taking the end closer to Jackson. Jensen couldn't help but notice how his friend strategically placed himself in between them – His back to him, calculating eyes glued onto Jackson.

"Well? Out with it," Dalton says to Jackson making him roll his eyes.

"You ever wondered why I hated you, Carter?" Jackson asks looking at Jensen curiously.

"What?" Jensen hisses.

"Have you ever wondered why I've always hated you?" Jackson repeats. "Why I've disliked you from the moment Clay introduced us?"

"Just say it! Enough games, just get on with it Jackson. I've only so much patience to deal with you right now," Jensen replies in annoyance.

"I despised you, Jensen Carter. Because you were my mistake," Jackson begins. "A constant reminder of a time when I had no control over a situation...over myself. Of a time when I was weak and pathetic. I let myself be fooled and manipulated. But that's not all, you see. As if that wasn't enough, you and my brother became the best of friends! I couldn't stand the sight of you. But there you were, twenty-four-seven, with my brother. Clayton, ever the one to clean up my messes, took it upon himself to find you, rescue you from yourself, and have you tag along like a lost puppy. You guys became like brothers. He chose...you! And I -"

"Clayton didn't choose me, he kept an eye on me," Jensen begins cutting Jackson off. "I was a project to him. A Lycan he needed to babysit! Our relationship was built off his duty to you! So much so that he lied to me, all this time!"

"You know what, Carter?! You need to get off that high horse of yours!" Jackson shouts at him. "A little hidden truth and you're ready to throw your entire friendship with my brother away! Huh! I never knew you were such a princess. You are acting like you can't possibly phantom the reason why Clay would keep something like that from you. Your friendship wasn't fake! Clayton isn't this great actor you're giving him credit for! His meeting you was no accident, I'll give you that- But everything after? Do you really think he was faking all that? Him and Yara?" Taking his eyes off Jensen, Jackson turns to look at Dalton.

"Tell me who you are to him. You two are obviously close, he trusts you and confides in you. Where do you two know each other from?" He asks Dalton, Jensen wondering where he was going with this.

"We work together," Dalton answers, not offering more information than that.

Jackson chuckles, pointing at him, "No, it's more than that," He says in thought.

Jensen watches with narrow eyes as Jackson looks between him and Dalton as he tried to connect the dots. "Worked!" He shouts out suddenly with a snap of his fingers. "He was your team leader," He continues. "That's where you know him from, isn't it?" He asks. Not expecting an answer from either, he continues on, " It makes sense, the way you two behave. You being ever so ready to stand up for him. Practically screams you two met in special forces."

"Get to your point, Jackson!" Jensen growls.

"You two are my point, Carter!" Jackson responds. "This man right here! You and him became brothers outside the wire and now? You'd do anything to protect each other. I can bet all the money in the world that he'd follow you into war without you having to ask. I didn't ask Clayton to do what he did. But, I'm his blood, his baby brother, so he did it anyway." Jackson pauses his rant, his staring at Jensen.

"Could you truly hate Clayton for protecting his younger brother? For trying to fix my mistakes? You let it be known how much you hated what you were, how you'd do anything to get back your old life. If the roles were reversed, Carter, what would you have done?"

The room lapses into silence as Jensen thinks over Jackson's words.

"What did you mean when you said one of your wrongs had gotten in Jensen's ear?" Dalton pipes up.

"Attentive aren't we," Jackson says in a slightly mocking tone as the sound of a truck pulling up lets them know Yara and Clay had arrived.


Yara Rosewood

Clayton lets out a sigh of uncertainty as they pull up to Jensen's address.
"I don't think anything good can come out of this," He mumbles to her.

"Guess we'll find out," Yara replies, giving him a reassuring smile. "It'll be fine, really... Come on, let's go get some answers." The two of them exit the truck, Clayton holding Yara by the waist as they walk to the door.

As they reach the stairs, the door swings open to reveal Jensen - A smile forming on his face as he sees Yara. Returning his smile, she walks up to him, giving him a quick hug. Despite the circumstances of their visit, they were both happy to see each other. Releasing her, she watches as he gives Clay a nod, the two of them maintaining eye contact for a few seconds.

"Come on in," He says with a tired sigh, stepping aside for them to enter. Yara's eyes immediately land on Jackson. She noted the difference in his appearance from when the last time she saw him. He was slimmer now when in the past he was closer to Clayton's build. His hair didn't have that healthy shine anymore, instead, it looked dry and brittle. As he stared back at her, she noticed the difference in his eyes as well. The once dark brown shade looked as if the color had been washed out to become this dusty light brown color. There were also some different undertones in his scent that she didn't like.

"Yara," He greeted casually. "You've cut your hair...Hey, Clay, long time no see."

"Jackson," Clay spoke beside her.

"You guys are going to want to take a seat," Jensen says as he walks past them to the couch. Following his lead, she and Clayton sit on the couch alongside him, Yara between the two.

Looking up, she meets Jensen's friend's friendly smile as he pulls a chair from the dining area. He gives her a nod in greeting, a gesture as he returns as he places the chair in the room.

"I was going to come to you just so you know. But the dramatic one over there didn't let me have the chance," Jackson says rubbing his hands together, "But, since everyone's here...Let's get to it."

"The reason I'm here," Jackson begins, " Two men by the name of Vincent Rockwell and Elmann Berlin. My old partners."

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