Meeting an Old Friend

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A couple of days had passed since that little chat with Princess Iron Fan, and Jinhua had been in for a surprise that afternoon

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A couple of days had passed since that little chat with Princess Iron Fan, and Jinhua had been in for a surprise that afternoon.

"Master—! Help!"

Jinhua's gaze shot up from her book as she hurried out to her front porch to see what the matter was, "Mei? Sweetie—!? Are you okay?"

MK was the first to be seen as his face was even more worried, "Help something is happening to Mei—!" He held Mei over his shoulder as he speed walked.

Jinhua dashed towards the young Simian to see Mei's condition. Her face was pale and drenched with cold sweat. Her expression was twisted in a look between pain and anxiety, "Master-..!" She rasped out, "It burns...!"

Jinhua placed a hand lightly on her head to feel a rising fever, her brows furrowed in concern. Picking the girl up from MK, Jinhua hurried inside at a great pace.

"Come MK. I need you to help me make a remedy for a dragon awakening."

"Dragon- WHAT-!?" MK shrieked, his tail going on end as it started to bristle in fright.

Jinhua gently placed the girl down on her couch as her apprentice started to curl into herself, clutching her chest.

"It's a phase in which a dragon descendent takes when they are ready. But it seems when Mei gained that blasted sword, it sent a spike of chi into her system, making her inner dragon think it's time to awaken." Jinhua concluded as she hurried off to the kitchen with MK following close behind.

MK looked over at Mei with more worry than before, "So what does that mean for Mei-??" He whimpered.

"It means she is going through a inner trial with her chi dragon. And she must pass it if she wants to get better..." Jinhua quickly filled a wooden bowl full of water, and hurried over to her office filled with glass jarred plants and herbs.

"And if she doesn't pass the trial?" MK questioned with a hitch breath.

Jinhua turned to the boy with an unreadable look, "The dragon entity in her will slowly consume her in its own fire, taking her along with itself down." She grabbed several jars filled with glowing particle specks, "I knew this day would happen, but it's way too early for her awakening to happen."

MK felt himself grow cold and stiff as a shudder ran down his spine at the statement, "S-So.. She'll—!" His breathe hitched as he heard a shriek pierce through the air.

His head whipped around just in time to see Jinhua stumble towards her apprentice, "Mei—! I'm right here." She lightly held the trembling girl in her arms, tilting her head back as she held the bowl of remedy to her lips, "Mei, sweetie, I need you to drink this..."

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