The Rising Sun

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Raising an eyebrow at the scene in front of him, Macaque stifled back a laugh as he crossed his arms, "So

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Raising an eyebrow at the scene in front of him, Macaque stifled back a laugh as he crossed his arms, "So... Wanna tell me why the bathroom is a mess?" He leaned in the doorway with his tail swaying casually.

Ren, Mei, Bai'he, and MK were frozen in they're positions as they were caught red handed in trying to color they're hair.

MK was helping Ren with the white locks in the back, tinfoil crinkled up on his head. His hands colored in a ludicrous orange, "H-Hey...! We weren't making a big mess...!"

Mei smiled brightly as she had Bai'he's long hair tied up in clips as she got every single white strand of hair in some bleached tin foil. A brush being dipped in mid action as she was caught by the father, "We were gonna clean it up after, sir!"

Bai'he was smiling nervously up at Macaque as she didn't know if they'd get in trouble or not, "We uh... We just wanted to get rid of the white hair..." She pressed her pointer fingers against the other in a fidgeting gesture.

Ren looked down at his messy claws, "Yeah, we don't wanna get mistaken as old people." He smirked up at his father, "Unlike someone I know."

Macaque raised an amused brow, "Really, now?" He let out a small chuckle as he watched the four kids relax at his chill reaction to their actions, "Just make sure to clean it all up later. Don't want splotches to stain the rug."

MK saluted with a goofy grin, "Sir, yes sir—!"

"Oookkkaaaay~!" Mei and Bai'he sang out happily.

Ren just laughed out, "Don't worry about it, Pa'!"

Macaque smiled at the group before closing the door, hearing the group erupt in joyous rounds of laughter, "Kids..." He snorted with a shake of his head.

"Liu'er? Do you know where the kids went?" Jinhua came around the corner with a confused look, "Last time I saw them, they were looking through magazines in the lounge." Her new trimmed hair cut framed her cheeks as she hurried up to him worriedly.

Macaque smiled at his lover and led her back down the halls, "They're all in the bathroom bleaching the white out of their hair." He took her hand and hook it around his arm securely, "Don't worry about them too much."

Jinhua raised a brow, "Is this about the lasting effects that turned their hair color?" Her ears preened back in concern, "Are they alright?"

Macaque patted her hand in a reassuring gesture, "Jinhua. Darling. They're fine. Let them enjoy themselves. No need to cause yourself unnecessary worry." A smile from his face managed to relax her tense posture.

"Your right... I need to put more trust in them... There's no more enemy to fear..." She muttered to herself. A bright smile grew on her face at the last sentence, "No one to fear anyone." She let out a satisfied sigh.

Macaque took in her comfortable figure, the way her shoulders slumped in ease as she walked beside him. Her tails trailing behind her in a smooth manner, not flickering around in worry that someone would do something to cause conflict, "I've heard that soldier of yours has been hanging out with Wukong lately. Even if he is hesitant about his eccentric personality."

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