Bai'He's Desperate Cry

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Walking down a cold and narrow corridor, Jinhua felt her skin crawl as the slightest of noises

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Walking down a cold and narrow corridor, Jinhua felt her skin crawl as the slightest of noises. The wails of the dead echoing in the dark. The screams of agony almost sounding like sirens ringing in her ears.


Jinhua's ears perked up at the sound of the muffled voice. Her eyes widening in worry as she hurried her hesitant steps.

"...Help me..."

Jinhua at this point was full on sprinting as she pushed away strangling chains that fell from the ceiling and ignored the wet pattered of dripping water, "Bai he..!?" She called out with a strained voice. Almost hoping that the little girl was okay.

A small cry was heard as they heard the demoness' call, "...J-Jinhua...?"

"I'm here—!" The demoness hurried farther down the dungeons, she felt her veins freeze over as she took closer steps to the strained voice, "I'm coming..!"

"Please... Hurry—!" A choked cough sounded out after trying to raise her voice.

Jinhua skidded to a holt as she looked at a small ceil that was protruding with glaciers of ice. The chill left her cheeks flush and her finger tips numbing. Her gloved hands slowly reached out and took hold of the cold bars, "Bai he...? Are you in there?"

Out from the shadows, a little girl stumbled out with a pale expression. Her cheek bones sunk in with a sign of hunger and lack of sleep. Her once sleek black hair tangled in grease and grime. Her clothes torn or stained with dirt. But she did notice that she still wore her robe that night she saved her.

"...Y-Your here..." The little girl whimpered out a cry. She rushed forward to grab the bars but she stumbled over her own feet when she felt a sudden yank on her ankle. A sudden yelp escaped the girl when she fell, making the demoness jump with worry as she tried to find the reason.

Then her whole figure froze. Her violet eyes finding a chain made of bones digging into the girl's leg, "Oh my poor little girl..." she whispered in grief, "How dare that demon treat you in such manner...!"

"I-I'm fine... I..." Her eyes then met Jinhua's for a split second and the water gates flew open, "I'm really cold... I'm so tired... I wanna leave... I don't like this place..."

Jinhua felt her chest twist in pain for the little girl, her hands reaching out for the child to hold.

Bai he jumped up at the sight of her hand, she reached out with a small grunt finally clasping ahold something warm since forever it felt, "Y-Your so... Warm..." she breathed out loosely, almost as if she had finally been able to relax in weeks.

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