A Child's Jealousy

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Wukong crossed his arms with furrowed brows, "Who are you

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Wukong crossed his arms with furrowed brows, "Who are you... Your not a enemy I remember."

Ren chuckled at that, his figure levitating slowly as his hands were encased in a mystic glow, "Oh, you'll remember my name when I beat you into the ground for what you did—!" At that, he grew into his beast form and let out a ear piercing roar to the heavens.

Wukong gritted his teeth and rushed forward, "Not gonna happen!" Twisting midair, he sent a spinning kick straight into the beast's side, only making it skid back a couple of yards, it's claws the only thing holding it's ground.

Whipping it's head up to pinpoint the Monkey King's location, it's jaws unhinged as it channeled it's chin into its mouth.

Wukong's eyes widened in panic as he scrambled over to MK and grabbed hold of him by his jacket and zoomed off on his cloud to dodge a devastating blast from the beast.

MK let out a small shriek at the destruction the beast caused from just one blast. A whole mountain was blasted apart, sending large chunks of earth and stone flying in the air, "WHAT THE HELL!? I didn't know Ren could do that!!"

Wukong let out a small chuckle, "That's probably me... I forgot I could shoot lasers..." He scratched his head weakly as MK gapped at him.

"From your mouth!?"

"From my eyes actually..."


Wukong suddenly held the boy down closer to his cloud as he whipped out of the way of another oncoming blast.

It was barely touching the end of the cloud yet the sheer heat from the blast made MK hiss.

"COME DOWN AND FIGHT ME!! YOU COWARD!!!" Ren screeched, his tail lashing out as it created a crater when he slammed it down, "I KNOW YOU CAN DECIMATE THIS WHOLE MOUNTAIN RANGE!! BUT YOUR HOLDING BACK FOR SOME NAIVE LITTLE BOY!!"

Wukong bared his canines and rushed to the ground, placing the boy down, before quickly rushing back into the fray, "Stay here!" He told MK. But the boy wanted to do something, anything to get the ridden guilt off his chest.

His eyes caught sight of the staff not too far away. Clenching his fists in determination, he ran over to retrieve it.

"HahahahahahaHAHAHA—!! This will be the day that you will be punished for your crimes!" Ren twisted into a circle and smashed another mountain with his snake like tail.

Rock and debris went rocketing down around MK as he rolled out of the way of multiple projectiles.

Wukong grabbed a fist full of fur and blew it, scattering multiple clones down upon the beast, "You don't know anything!!" He growled out as he rushed in the fray of disappearing clones.

Ren howled, "Oh but I do—!! I know what you did to Ma' and Pa'!! I know what treacheries you hold deep in your mind, body, and—" He faded out of existence like mist.

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