The Samadhi Fire

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Making it to the top of the mountain summit, with the help of Mei and Redson, Jinhua looked around at the old and ruined site, "Looks like it hasn't been touched

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Making it to the top of the mountain summit, with the help of Mei and Redson, Jinhua looked around at the old and ruined site, "Looks like it hasn't been touched..." She breathed out slowly, her chest tightening in a frosty snare.

Sandy was in the front of the group, his figure being cautious as he took the first few steps into the middle of the site, "Woaaah... What is this place...?

Tang peered over his arm, "I think... I think this is where they separated the Samadhi Fire."

Jinhua nodded, "It is indeed. It's the ritual site." Redson glanced down at her worriedly as he felt her skin turn slightly cold to the touch.

"Jinhua your freezing..." Mei muttered worriedly, her hands bursting to life with green flames as she tried her best to keep her mentor warm.

MK glanced back worriedly at his mother figure before glaring down at the rings, "There has to be something we could do... At least until Monkey King gets here..." He trailed off as his gaze landed on Pigsy, "Hey Pigsy?"


"Earlier you mentioned a fourth ring... Is.. it must have been a mistake right?" MK walked over.

Pigsy frowned, his eyes flickering to Jinhua for a brief moment, "Uh... Maybe..?" He wasn't blind. He knew the tension between the two higher ranked demons. And he wasn't sure if he wanted to make it worse. The demoness looked like she was close to a breaking point after feeling her bond with her child disappear. The glowing tattoos, from what he saw with they're previous encounter with Lady Bone Demon, could literally give her a living hell of a branding. And from the looks of it, the Lady Bone Demon was getting closer, while Jinhua, they're main powerhouse, was just getting weaker and weaker.

He saw how motherly Jinhua became to the group of kids. Mei, Redson, and MK all were attached to her by the hip. He didn't wish to brew a fight between two of MK Mentors either. But...

MK felt his lips thin, "Maybe...? What's that supposed to mean?" His tail drooped limply on the ground.

Pigsy frowned and looked off to the side. He released a sigh, "Maybe... Monkey King's not as trustworthy as you think, MK."

"Not trustworthy...?" MK glanced over at Jinhua for a split second, feeling slight unease in his stomach.

Pigsy turned around with an annoyed face, "Think about it. He told us he had a plan. But we don't know what it is. He told us there were three rings. But maybe there's a fourth...! He told us that map was so important. But it hasn't been useful once this whole trip!"

MK nodded, processing his words carefully, "Your right... We found all the rings without it..." He rubbed his chin in thought.

Jinhua sighed and looked over at Tang, "The map is useful... It's the key."

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