Goddess Guanyin's Mercy

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Also meaning Golden Flower.

It was the first thought that had coursed through the immortal's mind as she spotted the demon's golden hair. The color almost glowing in the sunlight.

She was hidden behind two others which she had already named both by, 'Longnu' and 'Shancai'.

Longnu meaning 'Dragon girl', while  Shancai meant 'Cedar'.

The two children had already came to her mediating on the top of Mount Putuo. Offering whatever they could to be safe and taken care of. Without a moment, she reached out and taken them in her wings without hesitation. Of course, after living with her for a couple of hundreds of years, they seem to have found yet another little friend to be taken care of.

A little golden headed demon child that looked scared and shaken up for the most part.

Her bright violet eyes shined in contrast against her hair. While if you squinted your eyes a bit and looked closely, you may find tears stains trailing down her cheek and her eyes slightly puffy and red. Her skin tanned by the sun into a golden pale tone. The pointy ears and the leopard tail that flickered every once in a while had made her look even more alluring.

"Mother...." Longnu stepped forward with her ravenous colored locks tied up in two buns. Her lightly pink tinted lips curved into a soft smile as she gazed down at the demon shield hiding behind her robes, "We ask of you to take in this child... Something has gravely happened and was unforgivable. I ask once again for your mercy upon her..."

Shancai stepped forward and placed a hand over the little girl's locks and ruffled them comfortably, "Please, Mother." He kneeled on one knee so he could be at the same eye level at the girl.

Her eyes widened a bit as she quietly looked between the three immortals discussing about her. Her ears lowering at the feeling of the immortal who they call, Mother's, gaze. It felt almost like she was reading her mind. Something about the woman's eyes looking at her like that wanted to make her dig a hole and bury herself in it.

A hand was reached out as the woman leaned in on one knee. Her white robes making seem like an ethereal being that shouldn't be tainted by the girl's little hands....

"I wouldn't be called the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion if I didn't take this one in..." A soft chuckle escaped her lips, sounding almost like bells chiming in the girl's ears.

Longnu and Shancai both glanced to eachother after letting out a sigh of relief. Laughter escaping them as they noticed they didn't have to worry about the girl being a demon one bit.

Reaching out hesitantly, the girl placed her hand into the soft palms of the Goddess'. A bright smile slowly forming on the shy demon's face. Her cheeks flushing a bright pink as she received a smile back from the Goddess. They began to walk up to a long flight of stairs that looked far more extravagant than anything she had seen in her life.

"Thank you..." she muttered out, "H- How should I call you, ma'am..." she glanced up to her side, her tail trailing behind her in slow motions.

Another soft chuckle left the goddess' lips, "You may refer me to many things... Goddess of the moon... Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. Goddess Guanyin... Or the one I prefer you to call me..." She turned her gaze down at the small child, whose face flushed in awe, "You may simply call me, mother..."

The child opened her mouth to test the word on her tongue, simply curious about the strange word, "M- Mother...!" She shrunk back a bit as she noticed she practically shouted the word out. She could hear the laughter erupt behind her by the two siblings.

A smile was all the child received until she had been asked a question, "And you?"

"Me..?" The child looked up confused as she met the Goddess' eyes questioningly.

"How shall I call you?"

Looking back down at her bare feet, scuffled in dirt and scratches from her journey to the mountain, her free hand began to fiddle with her ragged shirt, "I... I don't know... What should I be called..?" She looked up to the Goddess for an answer.

Bending over to the rails, Guanyin reached over to a small branch and flicked her hand in a beautiful motion. With the motion, the child noticed some weird flowing mist hovering in the air around the branch.

With it, grew a large lotus flower that turned into a tint of gold at the tips, from just a small touch of the Goddess' finger.

Plucking the flower from the branch, she handed it to the child by her side. A sudden glow in the child's face brightened as she gazed down at the flower. Her eyes glistening in the sunlight as she looked back and forth from the flower and immortal, with bubbling excitement, "It's p-pretty, ma- mother..!"

"That's what I shall call you, or should I say name you..." a soft smile curved her lips up, as she took hold of the child's free hand.

"Name me...?"

Guanyin nodded with a slight hum, "You will be known as Jinhua... The Golden Flower of our family..."

As they continued up the flight of stairs, Jinhua couldn't help but grin from ear-to-ear as she was walking side by side with her new family.

The word family was rarely used to demons. But the bonds of a demon are scarred into one's heart when taken into deeper meaning.

A bond with a demon is with one til death and farther.

It's almost like a curse...

It's almost like a curse

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