chapter 7

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I saw someone coming from my house. I know he's definitely that man so I run towards him. Unfortunately he left before  I reached.

"Bam! I hit the door.

"Come and open it for me before I break it." I shouted.

" if you like break it, that one concern you." Mom shouted back.

Mama again.

"welcome sis" fatima said.

" you always kept me waiting for hours before opening" I pushed her and enter.

"Sis wait" she hold my hand.

"you should calm down and speak politely. You know mom more than anyone else" she said to me.

"You're right" I nod

"Mom who's that person that just left?" I asked pointing at the door.

"that's none of your concern." She said and turned around.

"Fatima has told me everything so calm down." I faked a smile.

"since you know everything why are you here Barking like a hungry dog?"

"Hungry dog hmm"  I replied in a shaky voice trying to hold on my tears.

"Someone want to marry you. So get ready you're getting married soon."

"Hell No mama! There's no way!"

"did you know who you are talking to?" She hold my hand very tight.

"you're hurting my hand" I said taking my eyes off her.

"You will get married and that is that!" She pulled my hands away.

"I am not getting married mom! Nobody can force me on what I don't want to!"

"are you out of your mind Aisha? Did you know who you are talking to." She asked

" yes mom I know " I broken into tears.

"Mama I love someone. I love him so much."

"Love!? Are you crazy?"
She puzzled.

"Yes mom I love him." I said holding her hands.

"Then forget about that love." She pulled my hand away and left.

I broke down immediately and start crying.

"I am sorry that you have  through all this" Fatima sympathized and hugged me.

I thought mom's love what their children love. I thought mom's  are supposed to protect us. I thought she is supposed to love whom I love.
Maybe I'm wrong?



Aisha where are you? Why are you not picking my calls or replying my text?

Since Aisha is not picking my calls I decided to call Abbas

"Hello Abbas" I dialed his Number.
"What's up guy?"

"I called to ask about that project. Are you done with the second phase already? " I asked.

"I am almost done. the phase is a little bit tricky".

"I know right. Everyone is complaining" I replied.

"By the way what's up with your girl? Have you told her yet?"

" I would  have inform you about it. I haven't tell her up to now"

"but honestly people thinks you guys are dating including me." He said.

"well is just friendship but soon to be couples" I smiled.

"that's right" he laughed.
"Alright see you later man bye."
I hang off.



Mommy issues they said. How am I supposed to even sleep with so much going on. What on earth could I do to my mom to accept the way I am.

"I notice you didn't slept all night sis." Fatima said.

"Sleep for what? Is there any reason to sleep for?"

"Muhammad has been calling and texting you. Why didn't you respond?" She asked.

" I don't have the strength fatima and I don't want him to notice my sadness."
"Okay then." She replied in brief

I felt bad for not responding to his texts but we all do need time for ourselves. Sometimes all we need is to alone. I decided to call him back.

"Hi Muhammad, how are you "
"Aisha what's wrong? You have not been responding to me. Is there anything wrong?"he asked.

" I don't know too. We need to meet right away." I said.

"Hope everything is okay?".

"Likely, let's hook up"


We meet at our usual spot.

"What is that something urgent. And why do you look sad?" He asked glaring at me.

"I am more than sad." I said

"what happened to you?"

"Muhammad, my mom want me to get married to someone I never met." I said cracking my fingers.

"What?". He get up.

"Calm down."

"What will happen then." He asked.
"I ..."
"You what?" He asked.
"I told her I love you".


I'm not going to lie Aisha's mom get on my nerves 🙄🙄.

There's much to come to keep following 💃.

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