chapter 6

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I love spending time with my family so much. I love cooking with them more.

"You almost burnt the potato son" mum said laughing at me.

"My sweet mum but I really tried" I smiled at her.

" yes you tried"
" I am really hungry bro, hurry up" my younger brother said.

"coming soon, just bare a little more." I said sharing the meal.

We eat the food together and went back to my room. I pulled up my phone remembering her beautiful face.


"Hello beautiful" I said.
"Hi Muhammad" she replied in her cute voice.

" is like you haven't miss your best friend? But I miss you" I whispered to her.

"I really miss you too" she replied.
"Why do you sound like this?" I asked.

"I just wake up from my Nap. I need more sleep." She replied in her sleepy voice.

"Its very obvious. Continue taking your Nap beauty. Take care of your self". I smiled.

" same to you Handsome. Bye" she called off.

I wish she knows how much I love it when she called me handsome. There is absolutely nothing more beautiful than that.

"what are you thinking about son?" Mom walked in and asked.

" mom you didn't even say the Salam. I am just thinking about I life."

"Uhm! I know there is something else. Tell me what is that?" she ask.

"Okay come in and sit next to me" I said.

"here I am" she said.
"I think you should guess first".

"Uhm" she stared at me.
"Who is the girl?" She asked.

"Ohh beautiful old woman, how can you you be so smart?" I asked looking at her.

"Nobody knows A child more than his mom."

"So tell me everything about her." She glared at me.

"Alright Mama." I narrated everything to her. Everything from the first day I met Aisha to how I fall in love with her, to how we become friends. I tell her everything.

"But when will you tell her?" She asked.
" soon Mama don't worry." I said

" wish you all the best " she prayed for me.



There is nothing in my mind recently more than muhammad. I have nothing more interesting to think about. Thinking about anything other than him brings nothing but stress.

"I know he loves me but don't wanna confess."I said.

"Maybe he's scared to loss his best friend afterwards." Said fatima.

"I don't think so, he obviously love me from the beginning. Look sis if he didn't confess I will tell him. I can't wait anymore." I said holding her hands.

"Uff! Don't be silly sis. Just wait a little more, he will confess first." She said.

"What are you guys talking about?"mom walked into our room.

"Nothing mom,just chatting about school life." Fatima said and I turned my back.

"I see " she said glaring at me.
"C'mon girls I made your favorite dish." She said.

"Fatima go and eat, I am not hungry." I said.

"Are you still mad at your mom Aisha? She asked looking into my eyes.

"Why should I be mad at you?" I couldn't take looking into her eyes so I get up immediately.

"Aisha..." I hugged her before she continue.
"I know everything was a misunderstanding. Is okay now let's go and eat"I said smiling.


Its school day and I asked Muhammad to help with some chemistry work. He is perfect when it comes to that angle but I don't like chemistry at all. I am amongst the people that believe chemistry is worse subject.

"What do you think about the assignment Moh" I said looking at him.

" you know you are really good" he said staring at me.

" I know you will never say my faults." I said.

" so why are you angry beautiful? But the anger suites you a lot. I love it" he said smiling.

" you can't be really Moh" I throw my book on him.

"Alright stop please" I said.

"But you started" he said.

"Wait a minute I will answer a call" I said to him and get up.

"Hey fatima! What's up? " I asked.
"Sis something is wrong" she  said.
"Something is wrong?" I puzzled.

"Calm down and speak to me" I uttered.

"I will tell but you need to calm down" she said.

"Calm down!? Anyways I am listening."

"A man came to mom and asked her about you."

" what do you mean about me?" I shouted.

" I ask you to calm down if not I am not saying anything" she said.

"okay I am calm, explain everything to me."

"Okay, the man loves you and want to marry you." She said.

"marry who? Are you crazy?" I muttered.

" oh Allah! Calm down for sake of Allah" she said.
"I am sorry" I said.
"the man seems rich and I think mom.."

"you think mom what? I shouted.
" I think mom gave him the permission already. So it means you will get married to him". She said.

" Hell no sis! I am coming right now" I said and hang off.
" sorry for keeping you waiting Muhammad " I said packing up my stuffs.

"Is okay are you going somewhere" he asked.

" I'm so sorry but I have to go. I need to solve out some urgent matters".
I said.

" I hope everything is okay?" He asked.

" yes Favourite" I smiled and left.


This is all I want😩🥺🤍

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