Shoto was just as eager to get back to the streets and prove himself, having sat here and watched his best friend along with other amazing people who were more worthy of the title heroes than most of the people back home risking their lives to save humanity while all they did was fail helplessly against a single demon.

For Katsuki however it was much worse, and just proved the distance between him and Deku was only getting bigger and bigger since they were kids. No matter what he tried Deku was only getting further and further ahead. This was first proven when Deku came back from China when they were seven and was already for ahead in terms of quirk use.

This seemed to continue through out the years and even after they started UA Deku showed time and time again that he was still far ahead of the explosion boy, to the part that if not for Deku he would have been kidnapped during their training camp.

And the gap only seemed to grow from there, failing to get his license when Deku did, having to suffer through those damn lessons with Icy-Hot to repeatedly failing that damn challenge to beat Endeavor to stopping a crime while Deku did it instantly.

This though he was willing to give to Deku  given from what he's been able to see. He wasn't sure any of the fighters would even give him the chance to launch an explosion before taking off his head.

"Ha as if they'd even allow you to blink before doing away with you."

In an instant Bakugou whirled around looking for whoever just said only to find no one suspicious.

"Don't bother denying it, you know it's true."

Katsuki once more looked around trying to find who was speaking only once more find nothing. The voice didn't speak again and all Katsuki could do is sit there and growl while trying to think of who was fucking with him.

He nor anyone never noticed his eyes briefly glowing scarlet.

In the stands Tomura was shaking in rage at as he paced back in forth waiting to get sent back to their world so they could beat Gigantomachia and start destroying everything. What wasn't helping was that everyone seemed more focused on eating rather than anything else.

"You can hardly blame us, considering doctor Ujiko hardly gives us enough funds to survive." Mr.Compress defended as he continued to stuff his face with twice nodding. "Yeah this way we'll be back to full when we have to fight that monster again." before adding in another tone. "We'll pop like balloons if we eat another bite." He said before continuing on eating.

"I don't know what you expect for us." Nagant muttered eating without a care. "It's been years since I've had any real food and not that slop they serve at Tartarus, and it's not like he's going to be getting out anytime soon." She said pointing lazy towards Stain who ignored the conversation and kept on eating.

The decayer only growled even as Spinner approached. "Look consider this just a resting period, we'll be going back  to taming Gigantomachia soon enough so please just eat something." He said holding out a  tray of food for their leader to take.

Shigaraki just snarled and knocked the food out of the lizard man's hands before walking away to sulk leaving a dejected Spinner behind. "What a dick." Dabi muttered taking another bite of his burger noticing Stain tense as he watched the arena. "Something wrong?" He asked as the serial killer who pointed down to the arena where Odin had appeared in a flash of black and white raven feathers.

"Well this can't be good."

All around the arena gods and humans alike had noticed the supreme norse goddess appear in the arena with more than a few growing nervous at her sudden appearance. "W-what's lady Odin doing here?" Heimdall stuttered seeing the supreme goddess suddenly appear in the arena. His answer was not one he was expecting.

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