Sons of the Sea Unite

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Chapter 35

Arriving at Camp was a breath of fresh air Percy was not expecting. It was almost a certainty that they would be popping into a battlefield, and the fact that the bodies of his friends weren't spread across the field of Mars had him nearly collapsing in relief.

Nico was looking around everywhere looking for an invading force, while Bianca exhaled deeply, "We aren't too late."

Percy shook his head as his eyes glanced towards the nearby mountain, "No, but our odds of success are much higher if we can get to the mountain before the Titan's force comes spilling out of the Labyrinth."

Turning to the son of Hades, The son of Neptune sighed, "Are you with us on this? Can I trust you?"

Nico looked to Bianca questioningly, and Percy didn't need to see her to know her expression was pleading with her brother. The young man seemed to contemplate his question, and the repercussions it might have, before nodding, "For today. What do you need me to do?"

"Take Rachel to the Pomeranian Line. Just pass through the gates over there, and take the Principia to the bridge. Get her inside the Senate house. It's going to be the first building you come to when you cross the line. Anyone you see tell them the Titans are coming, and to either assemble with the legion, or prepare the cities defense. Then shadow travel to the base of the mountain. If you see forces spilling out then run for it, and come find us. My father said we may have to abandon camp, and we need to be prepared to flee if we are overwhelmed before we can even prepare a defensive strategy. We could have seconds, minutes, or hours, but we can't jeopardize Rome for the unknown. A lot of sacrifices may have to be made in the next few hours for the greater good." Percy said solemnly.

Nico seemed to process his words, and then took Rachel by the hand, "My sister and I will be more effective in combat together."

Percy nodded his head in ascension, "She will be leading the fifth cohort with Jason Grace. You three will pack a serious wallop together, so they will be towards the front line."

"I will find her." He said looking at the girl with a flicker of concern, but shook it off quickly and began running towards the gates dragging Rachel along with him.

This left Percy and Bianca alone. They knew the legion would be out conducting training, and field exercises right now, so they could take that as a small blessing. At least this attack wouldn't come in the dead of the night like last time. With just a bit more luck they may even be able to mount a defense. Bianca took his hand not meeting his eyes as she surveyed the area around her, "I will find Jason and assemble the fifth cohort. Anyone I run across from the guard will be told of the coming attack. I will do what I can to raise the alarm."

Percy squeezed her hand, and pulled her towards him as he put a hand under her chin making her eyes meet his when he closed the distance between the two with a kiss. This kiss was much softer than their last, and the son of Neptune was not really keen on separating from the girl, but she placed her hand on his chest before the kiss could continue, and she opened her eyes just enough to see him with a questioning look on her face. He however merely grinned, "Now we are even. If we win this battle I will hope for another."

The hand on his shirt turned into fist, "I didn't wait all these years for you to kiss me to die so soon after what was supposed to be my big moment."

"Well there can be more moments. I'd offer to take you out this weekend, but who knows if Camp or Western Civilization will be standing at that point." The young man joked.

"It better be." Bianca said with a grin, before separating from him, and melting into the shadows nearby.

As he watched the girl he had grown to care about disappear he knew he had one job to do. Find Cassie, and assemble the legion. He wasted no further time in darting off in the direction of the Praetoria. Two honor guards stood at the door, and they both reached for their weapons at his speedy arrival, and once recognition set in the larger one stepped forward quickly, "Praetor Jackson! Thank the gods. We had heard you and Bianca had been detoured, but-"

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