Battle For The Bay

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Chapter 17

Percy was glad he couldn't quite see the monster yet. If he could sense its presence from this far out it had to be knee weakening, large, and powerful. He felt Mark put a hand on his armor clad shoulder, "Go Percy. We believe in you, and will do everything we can to support you. We have a plan, let's execute it."

Turning to face Bianca she gave him a very forced smile, "I'll try not to drop anything on your head."

Percy gave her a crooked grin, and then proceeded to dive off the side of the bridge. Before he impacted the water that would've killed a normal person he turned his body to hit the water feet first, and having a geyser come up in the air to slow his descent. When he began processing the sea around him he felt his strength surge. His adrenaline was pumping with fear as he began to make his way out towards the deep.

To most it would've been a dark abyss of nothing, but to Percy he could see living creatures everywhere, and it didn't take long before he spotted his enemy in the distance. He swallowed heavily as he took in the size of the sea serpent. It was easily fifty foot long, and had massive grey scales. It's head seemed to have some type of hood that was flapping through the water like it weighed nothing. He knew that couldn't have been true though. The size of its heads must have weighed hundreds of pounds alone, and while a cobra's hood was a part of its normal skin this creature's hood seemed almost...armored. He was positive he didn't look forward to catching the size of its teeth, or finding whether it could spit poison under water.

Percy drew the trident off his back and prepared for the fight of his life. The trident seemed to glow in the depths of the Bay, and as soon as the creature's head turned his way he knew the fight had begun with the speed it took off at. The speed in which the creature could move was uncanny. It had crossed hundreds of meters of water in seconds coming upon Percy almost faster than he could move out of the way. Thankfully Percy was no mortal in the water as he willed the currents to move him out of the way as quickly as possible, but to his displeasure the creature already seemed done with him, and continued to swim towards the bridge.

Percy growled in frustration as he willed himself to chase after the massive serpent like a torpedo. He caught up to it easily enough, but attacking the thing was proving to be a problem. He wasn't sure where to hit it. Deciding to plunge right in he attacked from the side with his trident which barely drew even a small amount of ichor. Despite the small drop of blood he drew from the creature it thrashed its body catching him vaguely unprepared, and launched him out of the water with a hit from its tail. Instead of flopping back into the water though he summoned a wave to catch him, and propel him back towards the fight. This time however he had a different tactic. With the wave propelling him forward he summoned the water to shoot him up into the sky, and with a scream he dive bombed the ocean propelling his body forward with all his might, and imbued his trident into the back of the beast. This time ichor did not just drip out like his first strike, but instead now a massive wound was on the back of the beast, and Percy tried to do more as he began stabbing the creature as fast, and as hard as he could repeatedly. He created a small geyser above the water giving Bianca the signal, and he propelled himself out of the way as massive stones hit the water, and crashed into the beast most certainly killing it.

Percy rode a wave back to the bridge, and sprouted himself back on top of it next to Bianca and Mark, "See guys nothing to it. We've all been stressing for nothing."

The Praetor asked excitedly, "Did you see it dissolve?"

Just as Percy was about to answer that an ear splitting roar shook the bridge. The blood in his veins ran cold as he turned to see the massive fifty foot Trojan Sea Monster rising from the water. The three stared in horror as the creature bared its hood at the bridge, and shot a dark black liquid out of its mouth straight for them.

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